While authors take several approaches to the presentation of results in qualitative research reports, some strategies appear to be more common and effective than others. Originality/value Often multiple focus groups are conducted to, obtain data from a variety of constituents and have, enough responses to make meaningful conclusions. The data derived from these methods are typewritten, or handwritten notes, called eld notes. with creating codes, organizing and summarizing data, searching for interrelationships between codes, and sug-, Web sites. data are used to describe settings, people, processes, ac-, tivities, interactions, and meanings of phenomena from, the perspective of the participants. World Health Organization; Geneva, Switzerland: 2014. Respondents can conrm or disconrm the accuracy of the results as well as comment. Some athletes took supplements (i.e., multivitamin, iron, protein) on the premise that they would improve health and enhance performance or recovery. For instance, if the study, involves organizational citizenship behaviors among em-, ployees in a foodservice operation there could be codes for, be represented as ALT for altruism, CRT for courtesy, CV, for civic virtue, CON for conscientiousness, and SPORT, for sportsmanship. However, the nuanced perceptions and practices linked to different types of cooking are not yet fully understood. This type of research must be methodically planned and implemented with attention to validity, reliability, and relevance. C. Boushey is an, associate professor and director, Coordinated Program. Often, in qualitative research, data are collected and analyzed with the intention of. Whereas ethnographies focus, on describing a culture, phenomenologies focus on experi-, ences of individual people. those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s). A qualitative approach could be used, to validate the Health Belief Model as an explanation for, observed and interviewed to examine their consumption, of fruits and vegetables. In the case of the latter, their response has been to demand a "new image" of the area through the culinary identity linked to the territory and the consumption of their own food. Obtaining dietary requirements in restaurants often resulted in conflict with less concern for maintaining a relationship with those in the restaurant. customer interactions, and encouragement or criticism. In both countries, participants distinguished home cooking as a distinct subtype of cooking at home. gold standard for this type of research is the randomized, controlled, clinical trial (1,2,4). Development of the Home Cooking EnviRonment and Equipment Inventory Observation form (Home-CookERI. Qualitative evidence can strengthen or weaken the use-, fulness of a theory. In quantitative research the goal of sam-, pling is a representative sample; that is, one that can, represent a whole population. examples we hope to paint a picture of some common aspects of analysis in the context of In future, public health initiatives might, therefore, highlight the potential social and emotional benefits of 'home cooking', rather than emphasising implications for physical health. ysis, an investigator allows the data to inform her/him. Three participants found the Moderation Guidelines less appealing, unusable, or incomplete. The efficient presentation of results can impact a reader's assessment of the quality and credibility of a study. The intention is to examine, both best and worst practices in teaching to design inter-, tigator chooses like participants to study their culture, and experiences. Nutrition misconceptions held by athletes and incongruities between athletes nutrition knowledge and behaviors suggest that dietitians should aim to dispel nutrition misconceptions held by athletes and provide additional guidance and information to support athletes current healthful behaviors to ensure these behaviors extend beyond their college athletic career. The NEEDNT Foods Moderation Guidelines: Pre-testing of preliminary Moderation Guidelines for the NEEDNT Food List (Thesis, Master of Dietetics).