Constantino's daughter, November Annabella “Nova” Terra, was psychic, a secret kept even from her. While Nova's eyes are canonically green, some games and comics, such as, In the 2013–2018 period, Nova's page was the most viewed terran character article on the wiki alongside, 2UP Nova figures based on her appearance in, Nova mystery mini-figures based on her appearance in, A Nova mini-figure in the "Cute But Deadly" line was made available at. And I think that just because we can forget something...doesn't mean that we should. Nova refused to serve Fagin as a mind-reader and telepathic assassin, so he threw her out and plotted to make her starve. Pages ", "The mission is over. As Kelerchian healed from his injuries, he met with the Ghost Program’s new Director, Kevin Bick. Time for my memory wipe. The story of the StarCraft series revolves around interstellar affairs in a distant sector of the galaxy, where three species are vying for supremacy: the Terrans, a highly factionalised future version of humanity; the Protoss, a theocratic race of vast psionic ability; and the Zerg, an insectoid species commanded by a hiv… (December 20th, 2018). Fagin refused to deal reasonably with Kelerchian, but was distracted enough that Nova could use Ralian to kill Fagin. Nova rescued Kelerchian using her psychic powers, then forced Ndoci to seek medical treatment for him... otherwise Ndoci would be punished for nearly letting harm come to a class A target. Disregarded by Tosh's acceptance, Nova was engrossed with Jim Raynor because the Spectres wanted to free the prisoners in New Folsom. Neilson, Micky (w), Edouard Guiton (i) and Sandra Molina (c). Constantino Terra, scion of the Old Families, wanted to focus on his daughter's party at his skyscraper, but it was spoiled for him by two pieces of news; the first was a Sons of Korhal attack on his hoverbike plant – obviously an inside job – and the second was the destruction of the Mar Sara colony by the protoss. A large statue of Nova can be seen at Blizzard's office in Irvine, California. She was the focus of resentment, jealousy and sexual desire from many of her fellow trainees. (January 31, 2006.). She possessed a degree of empathy that was generally lacki… I can't help thinking...thinking about the fact that I have a choice...and remembering the mission. Utilizing a combination of pure physical aptitude, innate psychic power, and advanced technology, Nova can strike anywhere with the utmost stealth. ISBN 978-0743-47134-3 Nova revealed her psychic abilities fending off an assault, which resulted in her being kidnapped by Markus Ralian, the right-hand man to the Gutter's crime lord, Fagin. Now, on the run through the slums of Tarsonis, she is unable to trust anyone. The planet was already overrun by the zerg and to make matters worse, the Protoss Tal'Darim Death Fleet came into the conflict, who were their to eradicate the Defenders. Nova was set to leave Tarsonis when she “felt” her parents being attacked. The Art of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, The Art of StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, Blizzard Cosplay: Tips, Tricks, and Hints, The BlizzCon Book: A Celebration of Our Community, Terran characters of StarCraft: Ghost: Spectres, Terran characters of StarCraft: Ghost: Nova, StarCraft II Nova quotations (Wings of Liberty) quotations, StarCraft II Nova quotations (Nova Covert Ops) quotations, BlizzCon 2015 The Future of StarCraft II Panel Transcript, Nova Covert Ops DLC Missions Coming to StarCraft II Next Spring, StarCraft II: Nature of the Beast: Part 2, StarCraft II: Nature of the Beast: Part 3, StarCraft II: Nature of the Beast: Part 1, Patch 3.7 Preview: New Co-op Commander Nova,, BlizzCon 2007 StarCraft Lore Panel Editorial, BlizzCon 2011 - Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm - Campaign and Lore Panel (Full).