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At the outset, official establishment of sworn constables holding common law powers to arrest people was achieved by magistrates being given the power to swear them in via the Magistrates Ordinance of 1842. A survey on on the ARTs found 85 percent of participants did not support the trial. Pay for police officers varies depending on their experience, the type of work they do, and what extra allowances they get. It prosecutes about 130,000-140,000 cases and between 6,000 and 8,000 diversions each year. He said the unveiled ARTs' vehicles made them look "pretty sinister", even though everyday police patrol cars also contained glock pistols and rifles. Mori associate professor of law Khylee Quince. There are concerns new armed police response teams could enflame already strained relations with Mori and Pasifika communities. "While the decision to deploy the ART trial was independently made by the then commissioner of police, and not a government initiative, we as a caucus acknowledge the general feeling of lack of consultation about the trial that exists - especially within Mori," Labour Mori caucus co-chair Willie Jackson said. All of these requirements are expected to be completed within two to three years. After widespread searches in the district, two policemen and a local civilian saw Graham carrying his rifle and ammunition belts on 20 October. The first law enforcement agency in New Zealand was established in 1840, modelled on similar constabularies that existed in Britain at that time. She said Mori and Pasifika communities were already at the receiving end of a disproportionate amount of police force and adding guns to the mix would have only led to a death. Factcheck: Did Labour turn a $6bn surplus into a $1bn deficit? New Zealand Police maintains an international policing support network in eight foreign capitals, and has about 80 staff deployed in differing international missions. Police officers work to prevent and solve crime, keep the peace, and respond to criminal activities and emergencies. Graham had earlier threatened a neighbour with a rifle, and Constable Edward Best from Kaniere went to investigate. In 1958, the word "Force" was removed from the name when legislation was significantly revised. Physical education and social studies may also be useful. Assets worth $17 million were seized including eighteen luxury cars, giant screen TVs and works of art. Its part of the revamp of district policing to use the 300 extra police promised by the government. Detective ranks somewhat parallel the street ranks up to Detective Superintendent. However, NCEA Level 2 English and maths may be useful, as the police entrance exams test English and maths to this level. This is the right decision from the New Zealand Police.". Last week, Labour Mori Caucus said they had met with Police Minister Stuart Nash and made their views opposing the general arming of the police force very clear. Find out more about the sources of our pay information) Whilst the nationally organised Armed Constabulary split its efforts between regular law enforcement functions and militia support to the land wars, some provinces desired local police forces of their own. The average salary for a Police Officer in New Zealand is NZ$69,765. In 2001, the Police re-established a specialist road policing branch known as the Highway Patrol. Eventually, the government decided a single nationally organised police would be the best and most efficient policing arrangement. Once the Detective Constable has completed all of this they are then required to sit a pre-requisite exam based on all of the exam based modules they have previously sat. 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