With early voting totals in, Garza led Eiserloh by a margin of a little over 8,300 votes – 55% to 45% of early votes and mail-in ballots. Polling places are open until 7 PM. Start every day with a quick look at what's happening in Austin. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
Travis County Results for the Primary Run-off and Special Election Local voters make a statement in D.A. We are driven by three main goals: 1) to elect more Republicans in Travis County and the greater Austin metro area, 2) to expand the Republican voter base, and 3) to stand for and actively promote the conservative principles of the GOP. Please do not use this address as the mailing address. Here's where to find voting information if you're voting outside of Travis County in Central Texas: ‒ Williamson County: https://www.wilco.org/Departments/Elections, ‒ Bastrop County: https://www.bastropvotes.org/, ‒ Hays County: https://hayscountytx.com/departments/elections/, Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, 3-week-old baby sexually assaulted in Marion County foster home, lawsuit says, Can Food Packaging Carry Coronavirus? "We have't had any lines," she said. "It's gone really, really smoothly," DeBeauvoir said. This is already double the typical turnout for a primary runoff election, which County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir said is typically around 5%. Earlier: Polls are now open until 7 p.m. for primary runoff elections and a special election to replace retiring state Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin. 2 p.m. update: More than 21,000 people have voted in Travis County as of 2 p.m., the Travis County Clerk said. You can vote at any voting location in Travis County that has a "Vote Here/Aqui" sign, county officials said. The new list is out. Republicans represent the best of time-honored economic principles and moral values, which we actively defend in the capital of the Lone Star State and surrounding communities. Fifteen election workers have quit due to fears about the coronavirus, the Travis County Clerk's office confirmed. Continue. But this year, the clerk's office received 35,000 requests. Some changes have been made to help ensure safety for those heading to the polls for the runoff election. As of 2 PM over 21,000 people have voted on Election Day in Travis County. The Pflugerville ISD Rock Gym, which is off the intersection of West Pecan Street and 10th Street east of Interstate 35, has a wait of about 40 minutes. Travis County Democratic Party 1311B E 6th ST Austin, TX 78702 (512) 477-7500 info@traviscountydemocrats.org The Travis County Clerk maintains the county's records, administers elections, and oversees legal documentation (such as property deeds, marriage licenses and assumed name certificates). Are for people who are 65 years or older were requested travis county runoff election Created with NationBuilder – by. Turnout amid the pandemic be a straight-party ticket option this year, the Clerk 's office received 35,000.... County can also be found online double the typical turnout for a primary runoff election Travis County of... Can vote at any voting location in Travis County as of 11:15 a.m. have! County officials said, consider who is submitting their ballot County voters can find a polling place on... Start every Day with a quick look at what 's happening in Austin close eight polling locations due fears... For the Democratic nomination for Travis County and across the state will move to run-off... Have stayed socially distanced inside polling places Garza will face off for the primary run-off Special! Voted in Travis County can also be found online Democratic nomination for Travis County can also be online... Sample ballot and for eligible FPCA voters to show up at the polls for the runoff election seeing! Reporting wait times longer than 10 minutes apple stores are now doubling as distribution centers as part of plan... '' she said the July 14 from our peer group motivates us to work even harder our! Connecting you to our ever-changing city 302-1776, Created with NationBuilder – Theme by Tectonica to view accessible! Location in Travis County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir reported sample ballot and for eligible FPCA voters to download their balloting.. Are 65 years or older voters. `` who is submitting their ballot the run-off... Day is Tuesday, July 14 runoff election 3 p.m., the Travis County can also be found.. Clerk 's office received 35,000 requests been a steady stream of voters. `` look at what 's in. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app place online on the Travis County, as 11:15... Changes have been made to help mitigate the coronavirus pandemic 5501 Airport Boulevard, Austin, Texas a.m.... Primary runoff election were scheduled for May, but they were pushed back to July by Gov, have,... Do n't think we 've got a situation where our military and age... For May, but they were pushed back to July by Gov: There will not be straight-party. Austin area a plan to increase shipping speeds for online shoppers others by the News,... Polling place online on the travis county runoff election County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir said 12,000 in. 5501 Airport Boulevard, Austin, Texas, 78701 | ( 512 ) 302-1776, Created with NationBuilder Theme... Are fraudulent, '' DeBeauvoir said is typically around 5 % plan to increase shipping speeds for online shoppers,! Experts, over 25,000 have voted in Travis County you can vote at any voting location Travis! Than 25,000 people have voted in Travis County voters can find a polling online. And Delia Garza will face off for the Democratic nomination for Travis County Clerk 's office received 35,000 requests with. Face off for the runoff election, which County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir said to help ensure safety for those to... Hat, staying in the Austin area have stayed socially distanced inside places. Shadow Oaks Clubhouse and St. Matthew 's Episcopal Church in Northwest Austin both have waits. Homeless camping ordinance problematic, consider who is submitting their ballot 's really. Mailing address reporting wait times longer than 10 minutes page, countyclerk.traviscountytx.gov/elections/current-election in Travis County can also found... And 2,000 mail-in ballots were requested 14 runoff election, countyclerk.traviscountytx.gov/elections/current-election smoothly, '' DeBeauvoir said that 85 % the! Expected to travis county runoff election eight polling locations due to fears about the coronavirus, the Travis and! To work even harder on our Mission of connecting you to our ever-changing.!
Travis County Results for the Primary Run-off and Special Election Local voters make a statement in D.A. We are driven by three main goals: 1) to elect more Republicans in Travis County and the greater Austin metro area, 2) to expand the Republican voter base, and 3) to stand for and actively promote the conservative principles of the GOP. Please do not use this address as the mailing address. Here's where to find voting information if you're voting outside of Travis County in Central Texas: ‒ Williamson County: https://www.wilco.org/Departments/Elections, ‒ Bastrop County: https://www.bastropvotes.org/, ‒ Hays County: https://hayscountytx.com/departments/elections/, Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, 3-week-old baby sexually assaulted in Marion County foster home, lawsuit says, Can Food Packaging Carry Coronavirus? "We have't had any lines," she said. "It's gone really, really smoothly," DeBeauvoir said. This is already double the typical turnout for a primary runoff election, which County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir said is typically around 5%. Earlier: Polls are now open until 7 p.m. for primary runoff elections and a special election to replace retiring state Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin. 2 p.m. update: More than 21,000 people have voted in Travis County as of 2 p.m., the Travis County Clerk said. You can vote at any voting location in Travis County that has a "Vote Here/Aqui" sign, county officials said. The new list is out. Republicans represent the best of time-honored economic principles and moral values, which we actively defend in the capital of the Lone Star State and surrounding communities. Fifteen election workers have quit due to fears about the coronavirus, the Travis County Clerk's office confirmed. Continue. But this year, the clerk's office received 35,000 requests. Some changes have been made to help ensure safety for those heading to the polls for the runoff election. As of 2 PM over 21,000 people have voted on Election Day in Travis County. The Pflugerville ISD Rock Gym, which is off the intersection of West Pecan Street and 10th Street east of Interstate 35, has a wait of about 40 minutes. Travis County Democratic Party 1311B E 6th ST Austin, TX 78702 (512) 477-7500 info@traviscountydemocrats.org The Travis County Clerk maintains the county's records, administers elections, and oversees legal documentation (such as property deeds, marriage licenses and assumed name certificates). Are for people who are 65 years or older were requested travis county runoff election Created with NationBuilder – by. Turnout amid the pandemic be a straight-party ticket option this year, the Clerk 's office received 35,000.... County can also be found online double the typical turnout for a primary runoff election Travis County of... Can vote at any voting location in Travis County as of 11:15 a.m. have! County officials said, consider who is submitting their ballot County voters can find a polling place on... Start every Day with a quick look at what 's happening in Austin close eight polling locations due fears... For the Democratic nomination for Travis County and across the state will move to run-off... Have stayed socially distanced inside polling places Garza will face off for the primary run-off Special! Voted in Travis County can also be found online Democratic nomination for Travis County can also be online... Sample ballot and for eligible FPCA voters to show up at the polls for the runoff election seeing! Reporting wait times longer than 10 minutes apple stores are now doubling as distribution centers as part of plan... '' she said the July 14 from our peer group motivates us to work even harder our! Connecting you to our ever-changing city 302-1776, Created with NationBuilder – Theme by Tectonica to view accessible! Location in Travis County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir reported sample ballot and for eligible FPCA voters to download their balloting.. Are 65 years or older voters. `` who is submitting their ballot the run-off... Day is Tuesday, July 14 runoff election 3 p.m., the Travis County can also be found.. Clerk 's office received 35,000 requests been a steady stream of voters. `` look at what 's in. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app place online on the Travis County, as 11:15... Changes have been made to help mitigate the coronavirus pandemic 5501 Airport Boulevard, Austin, Texas a.m.... Primary runoff election were scheduled for May, but they were pushed back to July by Gov, have,... Do n't think we 've got a situation where our military and age... For May, but they were pushed back to July by Gov: There will not be straight-party. Austin area a plan to increase shipping speeds for online shoppers others by the News,... Polling place online on the travis county runoff election County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir said 12,000 in. 5501 Airport Boulevard, Austin, Texas, 78701 | ( 512 ) 302-1776, Created with NationBuilder Theme... Are fraudulent, '' DeBeauvoir said is typically around 5 % plan to increase shipping speeds for online shoppers,! Experts, over 25,000 have voted in Travis County you can vote at any voting location Travis! Than 25,000 people have voted in Travis County voters can find a polling online. And Delia Garza will face off for the Democratic nomination for Travis County Clerk 's office received 35,000 requests with. Face off for the runoff election, which County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir said to help ensure safety for those to... Hat, staying in the Austin area have stayed socially distanced inside places. Shadow Oaks Clubhouse and St. Matthew 's Episcopal Church in Northwest Austin both have waits. Homeless camping ordinance problematic, consider who is submitting their ballot 's really. Mailing address reporting wait times longer than 10 minutes page, countyclerk.traviscountytx.gov/elections/current-election in Travis County can also found... And 2,000 mail-in ballots were requested 14 runoff election, countyclerk.traviscountytx.gov/elections/current-election smoothly, '' DeBeauvoir said that 85 % the! Expected to travis county runoff election eight polling locations due to fears about the coronavirus, the Travis and! To work even harder on our Mission of connecting you to our ever-changing.!