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In a world abandoned by the gods, everyone has a story. Thanks for your continued support! Trevor feels self-conscious about the job he was assigned, but his boyfriend is there to help. Later when ask, he would say that he had a lapse of judgment and his emotions took over for a second at what he did next for the girl. Not with two charming men who are behind it all. He was wary at first, but he quickly realised that this was his only option, unless he wanted to starve or freeze. Press J to jump to the feed. This is a story where Ryan saves a girl and teaches her the ways of the Vagabond as if she were his own daughter.The Fake AH Crew might be the most ruthless and powerful crew in all of Achievement City, but they all still have a heart, even if its stained black. Jeremy may only be 10 but he knows more about life than most. Afraid that if he turned away that she would die, he decided to save the girl at all costs. Enjoy! It’s depressing, ik, but we can’t idolize public figures. Jeremy had been alive for a month. Ik its not about us (compared to those who are victims and/or directly affected), but it still hurts. A subreddit for content regarding Rooster Teeth Productions, including Red vs. Blue, Achievement Hunter, RWBY, Rooster Teeth Podcast, etc. It is okay to still like Achievement Hunter. Again and again and again. But I dunno if I can keep watching and blogging about them at this point. Since its founding, Achievement Hunter has grown to become a core component of Rooster Teeth, hosting a wide variety of videos … Barbara Julie Dunkelman (born July 2, 1989) is a Canadian actress, community manager and internet personality. that man was a terrible, awful person. Watch live and join us in chat, or stream new episodes and old favorites on demand from your home and mobile devices. Dazzle me, dazzle me, dazzle me with goldYou’ll never be what you wanna be with all that money, that moneyDazzle me, dazzle me, throw away your goldYou’ll never be what you wanna be with all that money, that money, that money. Then darkness again. Father of Dragons. Work Search: By … If you think Achievement Hunter can learn and grow from this please please reblog, tag, like. My daughter screams and screams to watch the musical guys. They’ve had so many scandals, so much bad shit come out about them, again and again and again. Identities are revealed, confessions are made and dick jokes are always there for humor. Please consider turning it on! [Not required to read this story, but STRONGLY recommended so the references are understood!!]. Running into a crew member of the most dangerous gang in the city? Trevor's in charge of the crew now, and it's difficult to do. Ryan’s head went into over drive as he stared at the girl. Gavin Free never expected to be told he was a wizard at eleven years old, nor did he expect a single one of the things that happened in the seven years that followed. What's the Trevor thing that everyone keeps comparing the Ryan scandal about?? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Fluffy Geoff Ramsey with an edge and dominant Ryan Haywood with a softer side. He did what it took to survive in a world that had been forcefully thrust upon him.