- Pronounce Mori words correctly when speaking English Following on from our beach clean up, Ruma Kiwi have created some amazing art work in the style of Lianne Edwards, using all the bits and pieces they found at the beach. The Mori Language Moment is an open invitation to all New Zealanders to celebrate what makes Aotearoa unique - te reo Mori. - Keep improving your language, and share what you know Ministers. Kia kaha te reo Mori! Hear more from Te Prengi, some our senior leadership team at MfE. We're proud to support this mahi through MfEs Community Environment Fund. He pai ki ahau te kaukau engari me tpato i roto i te wai He pai ki ahau ki te haere ki te moana o te whanga o raumati Te huatunga a te tranga/About the Role. N reira me whiu k ki te ipu para. Unfortunately, however, there is still much work to be done. Yesterday evening it signaled that it had crossed over Northland and landed on the shores of the Kaipara Harbour just 100 or so km from its expected destination of Pukorokoro Miranda (PM). Users will be blocked if they breach the above community guidelines three times. Final update for now. If you havent seen a juvenile godwit or one of the birds we have been following get down to PM on SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER from 07:00 - 10:30 and there will be people with telescopes set up to show you. Kia ora, tn koutou, tn ttou,tn koutou katoa! The Ministry is the Government's principal adviser on the New Zealand environment and on international matters that affect the environment. We will keep you posted if and when any of the four birds in PNG, New Caledonia or Australia set off for NZ but until then thank you for joining in the godwits journeys and for your great comments and for sharing this story far and wide. These awesome Kiwis share their reasons for taking part in #PlasticFreeJuly. Hon David Parker. The Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ have released their latest in the series of reports on the state of our environment, Our freshwater 2020. Get more clients, visibility and branding. Kia Kaha te Reo Mori If this happens we will leave your first comment but hide the duplicates. Socially distanced waiata at the Ministry for the environment to join the Mori Language Moment with Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Mori. It provides leadership on the environment across central and local goverment. We talk to Kiwi Harvest and Balle Bros Farms. Whakaitia te para, kwhiria ng rai kanohi ka taea te whakamahi an i te tuatahi. They're not involved in day-to-day environmental management. https://tuku.reomaori.co.nz/ Guide for Ministry for the Environment events. Mandatory climate-related financial disclosures, He Waka Eke Noa: Primary Sector Climate Change Action Partnership, Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act, Measuring, reporting and offsetting emissions, For local government on preparing for climate change, Cabinet requirement for central government agencies, Providing information under the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019, About methane and other major greenhouse gases, Essential Freshwater and the Three Waters Review, National targets for swimming water quality, What you do to help look after our freshwater, Roles and responsibilities for managing freshwater, National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, National Environmental Standards for Freshwater, National Environmental Standard for Sources of Human Drinking Water, Proposed National Environmental Standard on Ecological Flows and Water Levels, Regulations for freshwater farm plans and the reporting of sales of fertiliser containing nitrogen, Measurement and reporting of water takes regulations, Factsheets on policies and regulations in the Essential Freshwater package, Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality, National Environmental Standard for marine aquaculture, Regulating decommissioning of offshore oil and gas installations in the EEZ, EEZ and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012, Guidance on the use of exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers), National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health, National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry, Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941, Guidance and guidelines on contaminated land, Contaminants from specific industries or activities guidelines, How New Zealand manages contaminated land, PFAS (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances), Frequently asked questions on COVID-19 for local government, COVID-19 Recovery (Fast Track Consenting) Act 2020, About the Resource Management Amendment Act 2020, Fast-track consenting process through Order in Council, Applying for heritage protection authority status, Reviews and investigations of local authorities, About the Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017, About the Resource Management Amendment Act 2013, About the RMAA (Simplifying and Streamlining) Act 2009, Mana Whakahono Rohe: Iwi participation arrangements, Rubbish and recycling during COVID-19 response Level 2, Why reducing, reusing and recycling matter, Product stewardship: responsible product management, Applying for accreditation of a product stewardship scheme for priority products, Applying for voluntary product stewardship accreditation, Businesses taking responsibility for their products, Form for reporting alleged breaches of the ban, About biodegradable and compostable plastics, Proposed National Environmental Standard for the Outdoor Storage of Tyres, Recent and upcoming government biodiversity initiatives, Statement of national priorities for biodiversity, Briefings, cabinet papers and related material search, Environmental education resources for teachers, About the Blake Inspire annual forum for young leaders, About the Environmental Choice New Zealand eco-label, National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation, National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission, National Environmental Standards for Electricity Transmission Activities, Understanding New Zealanders attitudes to the environment, National Policy Statement on Urban Development, About authorised wood burners and requirements, New Zealands Nationally Determined Contribution, Economic modelling of our INDC contribution, New Zealand and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, New Zealand and international carbon markets, Ministerial declaration on carbon markets, Towards standards and guidelines on environmental integrity in international carbon markets, About New Zealand's Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Response to the NZ Productivity Commission report, First national climate change risk assessment for New Zealand, Climate change adaptation technical working group, New Zealands projected greenhouse gas emissions, Measuring, accounting for and reporting our emissions, New Zealand's net position under the Kyoto Protocol, 20082012 net position under the Kyoto Protocol, Establishing the Climate Change Commission, Emissions reduction targets and emissions budgets, Resources for the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme reforms, Outcomes from stage two of the NZ ETS Review 2015/16, NZ ETS Review 2015/16: Stage two submissions, NZ ETS Review 2015/16: stage one priority issues submissions, Phased removal of the one-for-two transitional measure, Regulations on auctions, limits and price control settings, Technical updates to the NZ ETS regulations 2019, Technical updates to the NZ ETS regulations - 2018, Technical updates to the NZ ETS regulations - 2017, Technical updates to the NZ ETS regulations - 2016, Technical updates to the NZ ETS regulations - 2015, Technical updates to NZ ETS regulations - 2014, Regulations banning the use of certain international units - 2012, Allocations following reconsidered determinations, How synthetic greenhouse gases are affected by the NZ ETS, Annual updates to synthetic greenhouse gas levy rates, Providing feedback on the new market information portal for the NZ ETS, Essential Freshwater new rules and regulations, Supporting evidence for Essential Freshwater new rules and regulations, Independent review on nutrient tracking technology, Advisory groups for the Essential Freshwater programme, Kahui Wai Mori the Mori Freshwater Forum, Essential Freshwater Regional Sector Group, National targets for improving water quality for swimming, Water quality for swimming categories (attribute states) in detail, Water efficiency labelling scheme - information for businesses, Purpose of water conservation orders and how to apply, 8.