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Definitely. "2017 Cannes Film Festival Announces Lineup: Todd Haynes, Sofia Coppola, "Magrittes 2018: vers un match Streker-Belvaux? It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a 71% approval rating based on 91 reviews, with an average rating of 6.4/10. Maybe the twins are more diabolical than they first appear to be. But the vagina-to-eye prophecy of the opening scenes, in the end, has real meaning. Congratulations on this excellent venture… what a great idea! Featuring the TV debut of Jimmy Awards icon Reneé Rapp. The 15th season offers a nod to Housewives history before kicking off a parade of new houses, new men, and new friends. [8], At the 8th Magritte Awards, the film received a nomination in the category of Best Actor for Renier.[9]. L'Amant double (titled Double Lover in the US, and Amant Double at various film festivals) is a 2017 French-Belgian erotic thriller drama film directed by François Ozon.It stars Marine Vacth as a young woman named Chloé who discovers that her lover is concealing a part of his identity.. Is it sometimes silly and overwrought? And really, what else did you come for other than kink steamier than anything that has come from the mind of E.L. James and shot in the way only a European can? François Ozon returns with 'L’Amant Double', a sleek but gleefully irreverent erotic thriller that sees the prolific French auteur ramping up the sexual tension while keeping his tongue firmly in his cheek. A few months later she moves in with him, but soon discovers that her lover is concealing a part of his identity. Get ready for a wild ride. Like Fancy, we know she won’t let us down. (Well, almost everyone. Elle entreprend alors une psychothérapie. Interdit aux moins de 12 ans avec avertissement, http://www.jpbox-office.com/fichfilm.php?id=17066, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=L%27Amant_double&oldid=174483762, Adaptation d'un roman américain au cinéma, Film mettant en scène des jumeaux ou jumelles, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à l'audiovisuel, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. He begins to make out with himself, first tentatively, then aggressively, and soon the two hims fall forward onto Chloé’s breasts to devour them. Le film, librement adapté du roman Lives of the Twins de Joyce Carol Oates, est un thriller sur le thème du double maléfique. What’s your sexual preference? And NBC may have censored the tail end of her live performance. It stars Marine Vacth as a young woman named Chloé who discovers that her lover is concealing a part of his identity. On peut voir des œuvres d'Éric Chabrely ou d'Henrique Oliveira parmi d'autres. Plusieurs scènes ont pour décor le Musée d'Art moderne de la ville de Paris où Chloé est gardienne. Taking the conversation from the book club to the big screen. Chainsmokers Concert Promoters Charged, Fined $20,000. Chloé découvre alors que Paul lui a caché une partie de son identité. ... 2017 – L'amant double (Dupla szerető) 2018 – Grâce à Dieu (Isten kegyelméből) 2020 – Été 85 (85 nyár) Rövidfilmek. She has revealed all to him, but he is a mystery, a taciturn listener who knows everything about her frigid nature, her feeling that she has never been loved, and about whom she knows nothing. A little dangerous? Chloé, a fragile young woman, falls in love with her psychoanalyst, Paul. Pentagon leaders, senators, campaign bigwigs, and career staff have all fallen ill — and at least one hospitalized. That there are nods to other directors is simply his style. Fast and brutal? Who is this man and what are his secrets? To install click the Add extension button. But also Timothée Chalamet, Jonah Hill, and Film Twitter’s finest. Jerry Harris Allegedly Victimized ‘At Least 5 to 10 Children’. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. That aforementioned vagina shot is part of a gynecological exam, which determines there’s nothing wrong with her; it must be psychological. — enters their bedroom as they’re mid-missionary-coitus. That night, in a sequence that feels steamily, deliciously real, a second, naked Paul — or is it Louis? La réalité y est floue et mouvante, le film présentant un ensemble de fantasmes de l'héroïne et une enquête intérieure que le spectateur peine à suivre[4],[5],[6]. His declaration of Chloé as sane seems as dangerously misguided as her decision to move in with him. It’s about the opening up of a woman who finds unorthodox means to live out her every sexual desire — cat observer, mirrors, giant dildo, aggressive fingering, twins, twins, twins — and then discovers that she wants more. The obvious comparison is to Dead Ringers, David Cronenberg’s 1988 creepy surrealist thriller featuring Jeremy Irons as twin gynecologists in sexual competition with one another, though the central mystery of L’Amant Double is far less twisted, with far less body horror — which it makes up for with way, way more sex.