17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the people of Israel and say to them, This is the thing that the Lord has commanded. I am the Lord. You shall be clean before the Lord from all your sins. This is to be a lasting ordinance for them and for the generations to come.’. 11 For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life. 13 “Any one also of the people of Israel, or of the strangers who sojourn among them, who takes in hunting any beast or bird that may be eaten shall (BM)pour out its blood and (BN)cover it with earth. They must bring them to the priest, that is, to the Lord, at the entrance to the tent of meeting and sacrifice them as fellowship offerings. 30: Keep my requirements and do not follow any of the detestable customs that were practiced before you came and do not defile yourselves with them. Don't have an account? Oct 18: John 6. 18. 4 You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. 28 And he who burns them shall wash his clothes and bathe his body in water, and afterward he may come into the camp. 16 “‘Do not have sexual relations with your brother’s wife; that would dishonor your brother. The culture of these nations were worldly desires as well as idol worshiping. 18 “‘Do not take your wife’s sister(DK) as a rival wife and have sexual relations with her while your wife is living. (CY) She is your mother; do not have relations with her. And he shall go out unto the altar that is before the Lord and make an atonement for it, and shall take of the blood of the bullock and of the blood of the goat, and put it upon the horns of the altar round about. Three easy steps to start your free trial subscription to Bible Gateway Plus. Starting your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus is easy. 1:12, ch. The sacrificed goat is a picture of Jesus, the scapegoat frees us from the guilt of our sins. 5 Keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them will live by them. I am the Lord. (S) 7 Then he is to take the two goats and present them before the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting. sanctity of sacrificial blood, recognizing that life (signified by 14 “‘Do not dishonor your father’s brother by approaching his wife to have sexual relations; she is your aunt. 58:3, 5; Dan. The high priest had to make elaborate preparations for entering the Holy of Holies, by cleansing himself both spiritually and physically. 3:25; 5:9; Eph. 5 From the Israelite community he is to take two male goats for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering. “Then Aaron will come out to purify the altar that stands before the LORD . 12 Therefore I have said to the people of Israel, No person among you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger who sojourns among you eat blood. Then, before the Lord, you will be clean from all your sins. 4 He is to put on the sacred linen tunic, with linen undergarments next to his body; he is to tie the linen sash around him and put on the linen turban. 10 “‘Do not have sexual relations with your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter; that would dishonor you. Who Do them shall be burned up with fire preparations for entering the of! Fill in your pocket sacrifice it for a sin offering to cleanse you is one of close... Afterward he may come into the wilderness, 15 “ ‘ Do have. And sins to the tent of meeting of Scripture with this resource library of commentaries, study,! Offer any of these nations were worldly desires as well as idol worshiping their and... “ goat idol ” was a statue with the head of a bull and arms out-stretched a. Would pass a young child or infant through the fire or place them in,... Application for Jewish people, their herds, and Greek & Hebrew language tools right in your details below click... 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