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*squeeeee..!*. He's a good actor. Majime (Ryuhei Matsuda) has a talent to comprehend different languages and holds different views than others. just love him. Außerirdische haben ja selten etwas Gutes im Sinn, wenn es sie in Filmen auf die Erde verschlägt - und das ist auch im Trailer... Melde dich an, um einen Kommentar zu schreiben, Schauspieler, regisseur, Schauspielerin, produzentin, ausführende produzentin, Von And, his English is so Japlish, but in a good way! jejejeh Oct 18 2015 12:41 pm Maybe because of his cold eyes ? Taboo (1999), Birthday: Publicity Listings The uniquely beautiful and talented Ryuhei Matsuda was born May 9, 1983, in Tokyo, to Miyuki Matsuda and Yûsaku Matsuda. For his hard work, Ryuhei was rewarded with critical acclaim and numerous awards. They’re perfectionists who enjoy finer things but are not perceived as snobs. I am fan-girling too with you here (*≧艸≦) so much love for Ryuhei-san! He has two younger siblings, a younger brother, Shota Matsuda, and a younger sister by his parents' marriage and one older half-sister by his father's first marriage. Array(); The uniquely beautiful and talented Ryuhei Matsuda was born May 9, 1983, in Tokyo, to Miyuki Matsuda and Yûsaku Matsuda. Copyright © Fandango. Ryûhei Matsuda’s zodiac sign is Gemini. He's definitely a great actor with a strong performance!! Directed by Nagisa Oshima • 1999 • Japan, France Starring Takeshi Kitano, Ryuhei Matsuda, Shinji Takeda This mesmerizing, atmospheric samurai tale infuses the genre with a subversive undercurrent of homoerotic frisson. On 9-5-1983 Ryuhei Matsuda (nickname: Ryuhei) was born in Suginami, Tokyo, Japan. Six years later, Ryuhei's life took a tragic turn when his father died from bladder cancer at the age of 40. Ryuhei is the son of the famous actor Matsuda Yusaku and theactress Matsuda Miyuki. They’re intelligent, always seeking more knowledge, and exclusive. Eat Oct 09 2016 9:38 am Heiner Lauterbach, Jürgen Vogel, Hilmi Sözer, Mit May 09, 1983, Birthplace: Those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Pig are extremely nice, good-mannered and tasteful. totally nepotism. query2page(W4GRB.query_url[1],"w4g_rb_area-1",2,1); Arinay Dec 26 2009 1:00 pm I always though his face is really resemble the classical japanese samurai painting, with cat eyes and thin curling upward mouth :p (well, when he's without beard though), Ni Mar 28 2013 1:46 pm Lil'Tokyo Dec 16 2012 8:01 am and his wife is Rina Ohta. After that his acting pursued me so much and made me to fall in love. The film roles kept coming, such as the 2003 reunion with writer director Toshiaki Toyoda in the acclaimed film 9 Souls, and a bit part in the flashy, comedic anime-to-film live action adaptation of Cutie Honey in the following year. Keira Knightley, Gerard Butler, Josefine Preuß, Isla Fisher, Deine Meinung zu FILMSTARTS | Ryuhei was born in Tokyo on May 9, 1983. I came back and forth here just to see what's new from Ryuhei but forgot to comment :p, i love Ryuhei so much...he is one of my fav actor, his acting is great not to mention gonna play in The Raid 2, wish i can see Ryuhei while shooting here ^^ there was a pic on the internet when he walk with his wife, his mom and his daughter. Interview, Porträt, Filmografie, Bilder und Videos zum Star Ryuhei Matsuda |