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He played a career total of 1174 regular season games and 99 playoff games in the National Hockey League (NHL). Tony has 4 projects in development and a movie concept based on a fictional character that takes place in the Jersey City neighborhood he grew up in. Anthony Lewis "Tony" Amonte (born August 2, 1970) is an American retired professional ice hockey player. Amonte während seiner letzten NHL-Saison (2006-07), Liste der NHL-Spieler mit 1.000 gespielten Spielen, Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, 21. Amonte played in the NHL for five teams, New York Rangers from 1991 to 1994, Chicago Blackhawks from 1994 to 2002, Phoenix Coyotes from 2002 to 2003, Philadelphia Flyers from 2003 to 2004 and the Calgary Flames from 2005 to 2007. August 1970 (48 Jahre) Hingham, Massachusetts, USA: Höhe: 183 cm (6 Fuß 0 Zoll) Gewicht: 202 lb (92 kg; 14 st 6 lb) Position : Rechter Flügel: Schuss: Links: Gespielt für: New York Rangers Chicago Blackhawks Phoenix Coyotes Philadelphia Flyer Calgary Flames: Nationalmannschaft Vereinigte … He played for the New York Rangers, Chicago Blackhawks, Phoenix Coyotes, Philadelphia Flyers, and the Calgary Flames. He announced his retirement via his personal website. He was named to the Hockey East Second All-Star Team in 1991. Tony Amonte; Geboren ( ) 2. They awarded the first 10,000 fans with special commemorative Tony Amonte pins. Amonte debütierte 1991 in den Playoffs. He played a career total of 1174 regular season games and 99 playoff games in the National Hockey League (NHL). He currently works as the head coach of Thayer Academy Varsity Hockey Team. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tony_Amonte&oldid=4932299, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Hiller hat das Team zu sieben nationalen Titeln geführt. He played right wing over 17 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the New York Rangers, Chicago Blackhawks, Phoenix Coyotes, Philadelphia Flyers and the Calgary Flames. Ab März 2020 belegt er mit 900 Punkten den 13. Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. On January 21, 2009, the Chicago Blackhawks celebrated Tony Amonte Heritage Night at the United Center. Am 11. elokuuta 1970 Hingham, Massachusetts) on yhdysvaltalainen entinen jääkiekkoilija.Hän pelasi viimeisen kautensa 2006-2007 NHL-seura Calgary Flamesissa.Hän pelasi NHL-urallaan myös New York Rangersissa, Chicago Blackhawksissa, Phoenix Coyotesissa ja Philadelphia Flyersissa.Amonten pelipaikka oli oikea laitahyökkääjä. Ice Hockey Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Before playing in the NHL, Amonte played 2 years of college hockey with the Boston University Terriers. August 2005 bei den Calgary Flames als Free Agent und erzielte am 10. Amontes Schwester ist Kelly Amonte Hiller , Cheftrainerin für Frauen- Lacrosse an der Northwestern University . August 2005 - Unterzeichnet als Free Agent bei den, Biographische Informationen und Karriere Statistiken von, Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 2.