"Embracing the Future" by BT and "Neo (The One)" by Slyder also have orca/whale song type sounds. There was a space-squid in an episode of, French metal band Gojira features the song "Flying Whales" on. Thus, the Soul remained trapped in the skull of the dead Prophet-Singer. The Acanti are large space-faring creatures most closely resembling Earth's whale shark. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They're already really big, so why not scale up? There's a full-sized Space Whale inside the ship in the. The protagonist kills them all at the end of the series by tricking them into the Sun. As death approached, the Acanti typically hurled themselves into stars. The foul nature of the Brood Queen and the embryos within the X-Men immediately resonated as black pools throughout the chamber. The early 90s Amiga game "Eye of the Storm" features peaceful Space Whales roaming around the atmosphere of Jupiter. In the TNG episode "Galaxy's Child", they're under threat by a Space Whale baby who thinks the, The eponymous "Tin Man" (Gomtuu) also had some traits of this, though it was. Lobo even met a Jonas analogue inside, shortly before eating him. except, perhaps, for its little-known relative, Great Force. In one episode, the ship got mixed up with a Space Whale mating ritual. This Space Whale appeared after the female of the Starmaker living last couple did some eggs. No other ability a part from this is seen, but having a big size and a long tail they probably can attack also with it. [1], The X-Men then agreed to release the Soul from Broodworld. The process made her temporarily insane, and she blasted out of Lilandra's yacht, causing an explosive decompression that sucked Storm into space, where she was found by the newborn Prophet-Singer, whose mother had just been enslaved by the Brood. It turns out to be an ark of The Precursors which the villain's been trying to reactivate so he can unseal a Cosmic Horror. "Embracing the Future" by BT and "Neo (The One)" by Slyder also have orca/whale song type sounds. Still better/worse: Superboy calls him on the coincidence the first time they meet. An Acanti appears in the X-Men episode "Love in Vain". In "Seiketsu no Hagurama" the flying whales are actually steam-punk looking ships. My Goddess had Schroedinger's Whales, which traverse the entire space-time continuum. This page was last edited on 15 December 2019, at 21:12. Whales are basically shaped like blimps with fins anyway, so it makes visual sense (if you hate gravity, and really, who doesn't?). In the original continuity, Lightning Lad lost his arm to the "Super-Moby Dick of Space". While not quite in space all the time, Gohma Vlitra from. In the Seafort Saga series, by David Feintuch, the allied governments of humanity are attacked by giant space goldfish we accidentally lured into our space by FTL travel; apparently it sounded just like someone calling out to them and they were exploring to find out who was out there. Trivia Chris has a miniature model of the Space Whale by his bed. Ah! Ultra Boy originally got his powers from being swallowed by a space whale named, of course, Jo Nah. The ship escaped by rolling over and turning blue, because that's how real ocean-going whales indicate submission. Color(s) Enslaved by the Brood (here called "The Colony") to be their vessel, it is freed when Professor X uses his psychic powers to break the Brood's control. According to the Sixth Doctor, they were the only known animals to live in outer space. A whale could hold their breath for that long. Despite of all these Baleen Whale features they have sharp teeth instead of fanons, as predator whales like Sperm Whales. Discworld itself is carried through space on the back of, An Italian satirical science-fiction novel titled, A largely un-related but voluminous B Plot in the sequel, The Dwellers fit this - although they mostly live on gas planets as Air Whales, it is implied that they created a massive intergalactic network of wormholes. The flying psychic dolphins from the future. While Starmakers species explains how stars have birth in the saga, Space Whales may be the explanation of the black holes existence in that world. And they're used as blimps. A Strong Bad Email that reveals Strong Bad's ideal career choice as "2nd 2nd Assistant Space Whale Scrubber". Species The Prophet-Singer saved Storm (who had destroyed the egg and critically wounded herself). The two Starmakers tried useless to endure the powerful vortex, and the male decided to sacrifice himself flinging his female away the vortex and himself to the whale's mouth.