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The student organizations name must be included in the design. These items must relate directly to an on-campus activity sponsored by that organization/department. However, any group wanting to use University trademarks on product, regardless of use, must purchase the product from a current University licensee. Individuals or organizations may not utilize the University's trademarks in conjunction with a candidate for political office or policy/legislative issue without written permission from the Director of Licensing. From fall football games to the Carol of Lights in December, the spring flowers of Arbor Day and commencement in May, there is always something to do, see or experience when you are a Red Raider. 7. Raider Red is the new Capital One 2012 National Mascot of the Year. Here we go…. Originally called "Ghost Rider", it was an unofficial mascot appearing in a few games in 1936 and then became the official mascot with the 1954 Gator Bowl.The Masked Rider has led the team onto the field at nearly every football game since. Matadors: Texas Technological College had just as awesome of a mascot way back in the day as the school’s modern day mascot. Red Raiders: This requires little explanation. The following marks are federally registered in the name of Texas Tech University and should be represented with a ®: B. If interested in applying for a license as a bakery, please email Baylor is the oldest continuously operating university in the state of Texas. 6. They had the opportunity to choose literally anything as their mascot…and they chose to be the Bears. This sample will be submitted by the licensed vendor selected by the Texas Tech department. Texas Tech Today. Private and/or corporate businesses may not use Texas Tech's registered trademarks in their company name. However, the student organization/department's name must be included in the design to communicate that the relationship is a partnership with a particular group and not an endorsement by the University as a whole. Paige Holland - Director, Digital Media | Trademark Licensing | Special Projects If you have further questions about the crafters program or the application process, you can reach out to Just like the Wildcats above, Cowboys alone could be a decent mascot. Horned Frogs: Similar to everything said about Texas above, TCU has a unique mascot that is the state reptile of Texas. It’s unique, it’s intimidating, and it perfectly fits with the culture and history of the university and the West Texas region. Sample Production & Approval Costs (the cost of producing samples and obtaining approvals, which occurs online, so you must have an Internet connection). ), being the Bears is unimpressive. #gearongunsup |. Texas Tech Coloring Pages. Jayhawks: Kansas’ school colors are very nice, and “Jayhawks” has a nice ring to it.