“To be the bridge between the caucus and the leader.”. Sierra Leone parliament approves new Ombudsman. About RichardThe Germanic first or given name Richard derives from the old Germanic words “ric” (ruler, leader, king, powerful) and “hard” (strong, brave, hardy), and it therefore means “strong in rule”. Geelong. The bond between Australia and the UK is as strong as ever & in great hands. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. University of Portsmouth. Over the past week, the Labor leadership has been thoroughly tipped upside down. Critics have always been puzzled as to why president Koroma did not hand over all the evidence of corruption and fraud he had collected on Richard Konteh to the Anti-Corruption Commission in 2014, rather than calling on the police to investigate. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. “It has come to the attention of His Excellency the President that Dr. Richard Konteh, Chief of Staff in the Office of the President was not open and transparent in the conduct of official negotiations for a mining agreement with a private sector operator, thereby violating established policy, undermining existing institutional arrangements, and exposing government to potential loss of revenue. Corio MP Richard Marles wants Geelong heritage trail, similar to London’s Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016. Judith Ireland is a political reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based at Parliament House. Canberra, Australia. While Marles has not enjoyed the public profile of other frontbenchers such as Albanese or Tanya Plibersek, he was the only Labor MP to have his own bonafide TV show. The Master and Registrar of the High Court issued a signed declaration upon the orders of the Director of Public Prosecutions, pleading nolle prosequi – ‘no case to answer’, after High Court Judge – Justice JB Allieu threw the case out because of lack of evidence. It seems everyone higher up the government, including the Attorney General’s office are keeping tight-lipped. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Richard Marles is an avid collector of snow globes. “We are very concerned about that type of corruption rating, but we take note of the fact that it is more an issue of perception,” said Konteh. Since reports of Konteh’s acquittal, there has been no official statement from the government. Jan 2014 – Dec 2014 1 year. Nicknames include “Richy”, “Dick”, “Dickie”, “Rich”, “Richie”, “Rick”, “Ricky”, and others. Picture: Hamish Blair . About Richard. Populists fall short as voters swing at the back of vegetables, Liberals in European elections, Michael Gove says he has 'evolved' considering he described himself as being 'incapable' of being PM, Xbox sequence X to launch in November, however Halo infinite delayed until …, Trini Lopez, US singer and megastar of The soiled Dozen, dies aged 83 …, Andrews' blame game lands at Andrew Crisp's door. “Government is ensuring that it cleanses its house; and that government officials found guilty of corruption are indicted, and where they are found guilty, they lose their jobs.”. When president Koroma made the following allegations in 2014 against his chief of staff Richard Konteh, was he trying to mislead the public? Hundreds of them decorate his parliamentary office in Canberra. “We as a government are committed and will continue with this fight and we hope that our partners will also join and support us in this fight.”, “We do acknowledge that corruption continues to be a problem, but we are determined to fight it.”, “We are intensifying the efforts to try and capture people who are involved in corrupt practices and to bring them to book.”. That was in March 2014. Raised in Geelong, he studied law at university, before a stint at law firm Slater Gordon (where Julia Gillard once worked). The Sierra Leone Telegraph Reserves Copyright. ... Chief of Staff, Microsoft Dynamics Product Group Microsoft. Richard Marles is currently the Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Defence and the Federal Member for Corio. 2013 – 2016 3 years. Under his ministerial leadership at the ministry of trade and economic development, Konteh was said to have been responsible for granting over $200 million a year in tax waivers to importers with whom he had personal, political and business connections, under the direction of the president. Marles’ career before coming to Canberra reads like a textbook Labor CV. But after three years of police investigations and a series of long-drawn adjourned court appearances, the case against Richard Konteh has this week collapsed. He is a devoted Geelong Cats supporter, golf fanatic and local history enthusiast. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. But this week’s nolle prosequi has baffled every right thinking Sierra Leonean that believed the president, when he said that he had uncovered serious evidence of fraud, corruption and abuse of office, which led to his sacking of Richard Konteh. 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