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Covid-19 Update: Derby Museum and Art Gallery is now open with enhanced safety measures. Tell us what you think on returning to Derby Active facilities? [20], Besides the Wright collection there are also works by Benjamin West, E. E. Clark, Robert Priseman, Harold Gresley, Alfred John Keene, Georg Holtzendorff, David Payne, George and William Lakin Turner, Ernest Townsend, Samuel and Louise Rayner. All information will be treated in accordance with our privacy notice. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. The collection includes a gallery displaying many paintings by Joseph Wright of Derby; there is also a large display of Royal Crown Derby and other porcelain from Derby and the surrounding area. Derby Local Studies and Family History Library, Advice on searching the library catalogue, eLibrary - eBook, eAudiobook and eMagazine loans, Local studies collections - resources for local and family history, Library support for people with dementia and their carers, Books and reading for children and young people. Derby Museum and Art Gallery is a museum and art gallery based in Derby, England. Please note that due to the Coronavirus pandemic and in line with the latest government advice regarding social distancing, some facilities and attractions are currently closed and some events cancelled or postponed. In 757, Æthelbald was killed at Seckington, Warwickshire, near the royal seat of Tamworth and buried at Repton, Derbyshire. Die archäologische Sammlung konzentriert sich vor allem auf lokale Fundstücke von der Stein- und Bronzezeit (Einbaum von Hanson) bis zum Mittelalter, enthält aber auch zwei gut erhaltene ägyptische Mumien, deren genauere Herkunft unbekannt ist. The Scottish scientist, astronomer and lecturer James Ferguson undertook a series of lectures in Derby in July 1762. [7][8], Derby was significant in the eighteenth century for its role in the Enlightenment, a period in which science and philosophy challenged the divine right of kings to rule. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. [13], These factual paintings are considered to have metaphorical meaning too, the bursting into light of the phosphorus in front of a praying figure signifying the problematic transition from faith to scientific understanding and enlightenment, and the various expressions on the figures around the bird in the airpump indicating concern over the possible inhumanity of the coming age of science.