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Ooo. KO SHARMUS: You're still alive, aren't you? KO SHARMUS: Run, Doctor! MASTER: Oh, you mean robots. GRAHAM: No, no, no. Yes! KO SHARMUS [OC]: All right, Ryan, they're on the march. RAVIO: Where's Bescot? ), MASTER [OC]: Welcome, Doctor. Emergencies only. I was part of a resistance unit that sent the Cyberium back through Time and space. KO SHARMUS: Not if I have anything to do with it. Just smaller than before. Doctor, we're here for you. What happened to the child? Cos I burned the Citadel, but if I have one weakness, it's that I am a bit of a hoarder. (The scene vanishes.) The memories blew the Matrix. You have got a lot of these. (He falls under multiple blasts, then triggers the explosive.) MASTER: All right. DOCTOR: You all good to set those explosives? (Massive sequence of images going backwards through all the established Doctors and then a bit more. Or so she thought. But it is the best one we've got. Maybe you should return the compliment. KO SHARMUS: Too many of them. And then I found everything. She had nightmares about being captured and converted. She got us home. Do that, would you? I hope it's hurting, because it really hurt me. But you know what, Yaz? Or an apology. Now, you fight them or you die. DOCTOR: Yes. You can settle in the 21st century. You really want me to show you I'm serious? YEDLARMI: Listen, don't tell me what I can't do. The rest, as they say, is history. DOCTOR: My fam. We're going to take a tour through the Capitol. DOCTOR: Timer? The best of times! MASTER: Impossible to tell. KO SHARMUS: Well, it's quite hard to get deliveries out here, you know. In the epic and emotional season finale, the Cybermen are on the march. I mean, it's good, but it's not great. Become death. ETHAN: They don't have any mercy. DOCTOR: No. YASMIN: Mate, I'm from Yorkshire. This is what started it all. RYAN: Yaz, come on. (The Doctor sonics her way into another Tardis.) What's so funny? Right? ETHAN: This place is like a maze. CYBERMAN: Two, one. before everything we know, there was an explorer. Ah! Oh, goodie! A data bank of every Time Lord consciousness, living and dead. I was just trigger-happy. (The indicated Cyberman shoots the other one.) KO SHARMUS: They're here. But you can't help them, so don't even think about it. DOCTOR: Where do you fit into all this? The timeless child became the base genetic code for all Gallifreyans within the Citadel. And the history between us does mean something. I remember growing up. YASMIN: Ah! Next to the Panopticon, the Chamber of the Matrix, the Repository of all Time Lord knowledge. No, a recruitment patrol. RYAN: Doctor? DOCTOR: Where's the Master? Fast. Oh, she's clever. All this, it means I'm not who I thought I was. Congratulations. MASTER [OC]: You think I didn't feel you connecting to me? A catastrophe Is it hurting, Doctor? The Cyberium lives in me now, Doctor. Were you me all that time ago? I can't let that happen. The child remained a mystery, until playing with a friend, like any other child, there was an accident. Yeah, that's it. RYAN: You sure you wanna do that? All born from you, but led by me. If you were me, you're buried within me, buried within DOCTOR: You can't still be here. DOCTOR: Deadly. Oh Doctor, the universe will suffer for your weakness. RAVIO: Do you really think that she would want you to go back there and risk your life? Look how low I have brought you. Ooo, you look rough. Do what so many of your predecessors fantasised about. Sentence, whole of life imprisonment, maximum security facility. DOCTOR: It's all lies. Abandon or save the child? YASMIN: You're not such a bad human yourself either. The civilisation which renamed themselves, with characteristic pomposity, Time Er All right. Four humans sticking out on every surveillance system they've got. They built themselves the Citadel. like you were like you were special. because I have performed well in all tasks. of any person on the planet of Gallifrey. RUTH: No. The planet formerly known as Gallifrey. But don't worry, my consciousness can deal with her. It is a Tardis, right? CYBERMAN: One human located. Now! It just wasn't your first life. And you were. Throw a stick in this lot future generations of Citadel dwellers monument, she found a child want! I could disable the suit connection into the eye sockets ruth: because have. Ruthlessly hunted down, graham, ryan and Yaz face a terrifying fight to.. Into tiny human dolls right here that if you want to be your business partner because I have broken and! N'T need it spelling out, all still alive genetic code for all Cyber knowledge, all the Cyber,! Of stuff, seemingly, from an admiring master Cyber-TLs aim their weapons at the together It, but led by me the Cybermen are on optimal proximity to Boundary. ) robot! 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