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Living Bird 11:5–42, Bayer RD (1981) Arrival and departure frequencies of Great Blue Herons at two Oregon estuarine colonies. Auk 98:589–595, Bengtsson SA (1972) Reproduction and fluctuations in the size of duck populations at Lake Myvatn, Iceland. Clutch size, nestling production and breeding success were studied in colonial Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris) in a subalpine birch forest during ten breeding seasons. An experiment with artificial, egg-baited nests showed that predation in the absence of fieldfares was higher on clumped than on scattered nests. Strong and fast flight on rapidly beating wings. JASA 58:690–700, Patterson IJ (1965) Timing and spacing of broods in the Blackheaded Gull Larus ridibundus. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Then the defence reaction of … Taxes to be calculated in checkout., Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Vogelwelt 78:48–53, Hohlt H (1957b) Studien an einer süddeutschen Population der Wacholderdrossel (Turdus pilaris). Nature 217:478–479, Curio E (1976) The ethology of predation. The nest is made from twigs, dry grass and lined with mud. 81 photographs of birds isolated Stock Images, A red robin bird sitting on a fence Picture, beautiful brown bird - Fieldfare Stock Photography, Bird fieldfare, hand-drawing. It is a very rare breeder in the British Isles, but winters in large numbers in the United Kingdom, Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Ibis 115:517–534, Wiklund CG (1979) Increased breeding succes for Merlins Falco columbarius, nesting among colonies of Fieldfares Turdus pilaris. Methuen, London, Lübcke W (1975) Zur Ökologie und Brutbiologie der Wacholderdrossel (Turdus pilaris). Fieldfares often nest in small colonies and are extremely skilful in defending its nest (usually in a tree) against egg-thieves. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Diesselhorst G (1955) Gemeinschaftliches Brüten von Wacholderdrossel und Raubwürger. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 11, 165–172 (1982). Ibis 121:109–111, Wiklund CG, Andersson M (1980) Nest predation selects for colonial breeding among Fieldfares Turdus pilaris. Ecology 49:682–694, Krebs JR (1978) Colonial nesting in birds, with special reference to the Ciconiiformes. Fieldfares apparently chose to nest near Merlins, which had already laid eggs when the thrushes started nest-building. Pictures, Cute nestling thrush Fieldfare in the natural environment Stock Photo, Cute nestling thrush fieldfare sitting on a branch Stock Image, Feeding the nestling fieldfare?with a worm Stock Images, Cute nestling thrush fieldfare sitting on the nest Pictures, Portrait of a nestling thrush Fieldfare Stock Images, Nestling thrush Fieldfare sitting in a nest Stock Photographs. Stock Photos; Editorial; Illustrations; Videos; Audio; Free Photos; Blog; Sign up for FREE or Sign in. Ibis 107:433–450, Peitzmeier J (1955) Zur Synökie von Lanus excubitor and Turdus pilaris. volume 11, pages165–172(1982)Cite this article. Czech Republic. Abstract Fieldfares ( Turdus pilaris ), which nest solitarily as well as in colonies, offer an opportunity to assess within one species the relative advantages of clumping versus spacing out. Nest…, The effect of group size on standing , walking , sleeping and foraging behaviours of black-winged stilts ( Himantopus h . In another experiment, we tested whether artificial nests run a higher risk of predation near solitary fieldfare pairs than near fieldfare colonies. Wings are rufous. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Burger J (1981) A model for the evolution of mixed-species colonies of Ciconiifermes. Zool Bird 35:263–268, Veen J (1977) Functional and causal aspects of nest distribution in colonies of the Sandwich Tern (Sterna s. sandvicensis Lath.). Abstract Fieldfares ( Turdus pilaris ), which nest solitarily as well as in colonies, offer an opportunity to assess within one species the relative advantages of clumping versus spacing out. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Tail is dark gray to black. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Andersson M (1976) Predation and kleptoparasitism by skuas in a Shetland seabird colony. Part of Springer Nature. Res Rep no 7. This is the net price. birds isolated on white (35) Pictures by dusan964 36 / 6,690 81 photographs of birds isolated Stock Images by dusan964 28 / 5,043 A red robin bird sitting on a fence Picture by pwollinga 4 / 416 beautiful brown bird - Fieldfare Stock Photography by andreevaee 0 / 2 Bird fieldfare… Ibis 118: 208–217, Andersson M, Wiklund CG (1978) Clumping versus spacing out: experiments on nest predation in Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris). The nest is generally in a rather open site such as a fork in a tree, on a stump or even directly on the ground. Vector illustration. Var Fagelvarld 39:25–34 (in Swedish), Hohlt H (1957a) Brutgemeinschaft Wacholderdrossel-Raubwürger und Wacholderdrossel-Turmfalk. leucocephalus ), Size-dependent variability in the formation and trade-offs of facultative aggregations in golden orb-web spiders (Nephila clavipes), Aspects of the breeding biology of the black-tailed godwit (limosa limosa) with particular reference to coloniality and anti-predator defence, Farming and foraging : indirect effects of management on bird biology through changing distributions of food and predators, Marina MaganaJuan C. AlonsoJavier A. Alonso, Efectos del manejo agrícola sobre las aves paseriformes en el olivar mediterráneo, Observation of an Unusual Nesting Association between Spanish Sparrows Passer hispaniolensis and Lesser Grey Shrikes Lanius minor.