valentina suriani

As in I knew how the TLM103 would sound. Just done this today. But I'm not going to waste time about this. it won’t be very effective for minimizing mechanical noise. in black and nickel finishes. mics, AKG C214 is generally better and more recommended. really good for electric bass. This is a large-diaphragm side-fire condenser mic that is very interesting because it comes at a very reasonable price point, while other mics of the same category can easily cost twice or thrice more. The TLM-102 has the longest warranty of 2 years, compared to the 1-year warranty given for the C414 and TLM 103. Yo tengo una pareja de tlm 102 , el akg lo pude probar. However, if you’re into sound design and you need to record some real-life sounds, say, you need to record a snoring sound, or the sound of moving water, you can take advantage of the high sensitivity to capture very detailed samples. One of the biggest differences between Neumann TLM 102 vs AKG C414 is the polar pattern. Neumann TLM 102. It is able to deliver a bright, lively sound. We know that it is difficult to find the winner in this Neumann and AKG battle. Here are the pattern options you have and how they can be of benefit to your work: Omnidirectional: This polar pattern allows you to record vocals from all sides of the microphone. GC usually has both mics in stock. 102 doesn’t have any pre-attenuation pad or filter. The microphone head has six sides, with half of it covered wit gold-plated mesh. They arrive tomorrow and I took advantage of the recent MEMORIAL DAY sales at the big box - on line stores.. didn't buy from one of them but called a dealer and used the AD to talk him into even a lower price..... My plan is to buy a second TLM102 for stereo miking etc aswell. Sold them and never regretted my decision (and I regretted different ones few times, for example selling pair of Shure KSM44s, or Neumann SM69fet, or CMV563...). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This makes it a good choice for recording two artists facing each other at once. We should find out why AKG has decided to stick with the C414 for so long in this article. I was wondering some opinions and comparisons on the above. They may not have a couple of grand to invest in "the wrong mic" so please keep it honest and if you don't like a mic then tell the reason and maybe a quick listing of your setup and application that you are using it for. The AKG 414 will probably give you more flexibility because of the variable polar patterns, pad, and other features. Inside the box, there is only one item besides That being said, there’s a particular sound quality that is consistent across these many voicing options. The sensitivity reduces as you move towards the sides.Hypercardioid: This is essentially what you get when you combine the omnidirectional pattern with figure 8. I bought the TLM102 to replace a Rode NT1000 and NT3 - NT3 wasn't horrible but the NT1000 was! However, the reality is that the TLM-102, TLM-103 and AKG C414 have individual characters, so comparing them with frequency charts may not tell the full story. build quality of each condenser microphone here, The additional The frequency response range Love the warmth this mic gives. The C414 is considerably heavier than the Neumanns. Estoy entre los modelos AKG C214 o el NEUMANN TLM 102, hay una diferencia de precio entre ambos, pero quisiera saber si hay tambien mucha diferencia de calidad, si el NEUMANN es mas especifico para voces y el AKG mas versatil para grabar lo que es guitarras y esas cosas. € 579. Only the C414 has multiple polar patterns. Taking into consideration all the switches on the AKG C414, there are 27 different voicing types you can have. Re: Neumann TLM 102 vs AKG C314 Příspěvek od SUK » 26.04.2018 10:39 Dva TLM102 pouzivam bezne na nahravani overheadu u bicich, C314 jsem mel akorat v ruce ( EDIT: spletl jsem si ho s C214), takze nemam zadny primy porovnani a tak nechci na zaklade dojmu z … This is not bad news; it’s very good news actually. There is a slight dip between 1kHz and 2kHz, with slight boost afterward. Then do a rough analysis of the captured files back at your place. That's entirely personal though, I tried them on OHs, guitar cab, bass cab, vocals, violins, flutes, vibraphone and ambients and they were fine but nothing more, like there was some brickwall of performance to them. sounds well-balanced performance. Neumann TLM 103 Large-Diaphragm Condenser... AKG Pro Audio C414 XLII Vocal Condenser... Neumann KMS 104 vs 105: Which One is Best for Live Concerts? It effectively captures sound from all angles except that little space directly behind the mic.Figure 8: Sometimes called the bi-directional pattern, the strong spots of such microphones are the front and rear of the mics.