Improve your English with Gymglish - try our English lessons for free now and receive a free level assessment! And since your is possessive, it shows who the following noun belongs to: you. Time Traveler for you're. Youre actually stands for the words You are. So, we must keep this in mind when we are writing our sentences. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? "I'm smarter than you're" Correct, because the contraction for you are has been used in place of the possessive form of you. When you see words with an apostrophe like this, you can be sure that it is a contraction; the apostrophe stands for a missing letter (or letters) in the word. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! (you're) damned if you do and damned if you don't. However, this unconventional usage is likely to confuse people, so avoid ending a sentence with you're even if it's grammatically correct. Consider our three examples above. A contraction is the act of decreasing the size of something or shortening it, or it can be the process of becoming smaller or compressed. If the two separate words you are do not fit, we cannot use the contraction youre. Since your is an adjective, we can typically expect a noun or pronoun to follow it in our sentence. Improve your English further and test Gymglish, online English lessons. Understanding grammar is key to understanding a language. If there is no adjective around, you might want to use youre. A conjunction is shortening of a phrase, like No. Home Your vs. Youre: Whats the Difference? 8 people chose this as the best definition of you-re: Contraction of you are. See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Learn a new word every day. This next check is very easy and 100 percent accurate. Advice vs. English grammar tips with Gymglish, online English lessons. 'you're' is contraction, a shortened form of of 'you are'. It is a second-person possessive adjective used as a modifier before a noun. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Name that government! Your glasses, your house, and your wedding. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Forming contractions (aren't, can't, i'd, you're, etc.) Check two: That check is a little more technical. Youre actually stands for the words You are. Check one: If you are not sure that your is the correct word for your sentence, look to see if a noun is anywhere around it. When you see words with an apostrophe like this, you can be sure that it is a contraction; the apostrophe stands for a missing letter (or letters) in the word. All three have nouns following your. In blogging, emails between friends, and general communication they are all right, but in any professional or formal setting, it is best to avoid them. Do you know any tips to avoid making mistakes with 'Forming contractions (aren't, can't, i'd, you're, etc.)'? See more. ). Post the Definition of you're to Facebook, Share the Definition of you're on Twitter. Still facing difficulties with 'Forming contractions (aren't, can't, i'd, you're, etc.)'? After reading this post, you shouldnt ever mix these two words up again, thereby sparing yourself the embarrassment of having someone else spot this mistake in your work.