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The 1992 Disney musical Newsies is based on a real event, the Newsboys strike. New York, NY 10036, Our Collection: Ortega was quoted as saying Disney first realized there was a potential audience when they learned that high schools had been putting together unofficial musical productions of Newsies, without Disney's permission, for years. For the big finale, “that’s not CGI—that’s a sh*tload of people.”. Newsies was the first film to shoot at the reconstructed New York City backlot at Universal Studios, which had been destroyed by a fire that caused $25 million worth of damage in November 1990. The record rather shows the Antoinette as intelligent and politically savvy. 2nd Floor (Reminds me of Racetrack. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), presidential “facts” that just aren’t true, 9 other famous moments in history that never actually happened, monstrous British troops of breaking the “rules of war,”, 10 split-second decisions that changed history, 15 movies you never knew were banned in the United States, 10 historical facts you’ll wish really weren’t true, 8 of the most bizarre historical coincidences throughout history, 51 other favorite facts you’ve always believed but are actually false, Do Not Sell My Personal Information – CA Residents. Academics in Shakespeare and Renaissance history found so many glaring errors in the much-beloved romance Shakespeare in Love. Thanks! For the song “King of New York,” the newsboys each have two pairs of identical shoes—one for the majority of the performance, and a pair for this number with taps attached. Omaha Performing Arts presents “Disney’s Newsies” as part of its Broadway Series. But reporting of him stops … The actor with the most costume changes plays seven characters, including a cop, Nunzio the barber, a photographer and Governor Roosevelt. Historical record implies the ruler dressed in clothes and was human. Also, the film showed few slaves, and those it did represent were upbeat. While Captain John Smith himself did spread the story that the chief’s daughter saved his life, historians still debate whether throwing herself over the captured Smith actually was an act of mercy or just part of a traditional adoption ceremony ritual that Smith didn’t understand. The Razzie was for Newsies," Menken remembered. This is their story. “Newsies” was nominated for 23 major theatrical awards, and won many big ones, including two Tony® Awards (Best Choreography and Best Original Score). Historians were mad at Sophia Coppola’s biopic in which Kirsten Dunst plays the French queen, arguing the film depicted the famous ruler as a shallow teenager in love with fashion and excess. At least that's what lyricist Jack Feldman has said. In the film, "Don Knotts" (Mark David, a.k.a. 8.The Broadway production was originally scheduled for limited 12-week run of 105 performances, however, due to popular demand, 6. This action film starring Tom Cruise takes place in Japan during the 1877 Satsuma Rebellion over the nation’s westernization. Don’t miss 8 of the most bizarre historical coincidences throughout history. Newsies Historical Research A resource page for historical information and pictures about every day life at the turn of the 20th century. Another major detail that was switched around was the family’s great escape. In fact, very little is known about the real William Wallace. When: Tuesday through Sunday, Feb. 21; performances are at 7:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 16-18; 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 19; 2 and 8 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20; and 1:30 and 7 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 21. Stone claims the film was based on “research” and prompted pushes to have classified files about the assassination released, but many of the scenes in the movie are completely made up. Oh, and despite the movie’s friendly overtones, 90 percent of the native population died of disease and genocide, thanks to the European settlers. Plus, the real-life airport scene actually went as smoothly as hoped, and most of the tense airport hijinks in the film’s climax never took place. The New York Tribune quoted Kid Blink's speech to 2,000 strikers: Friens and feller workers. We recommend our users to update the browser. Despite being unpopular with critics, and one of the biggest box office failures in Disney's history, the film has developed a huge cult fan base over the years—so much so that Disney decided to adapt the film—which was released 25 years ago today—into a very successful Broadway show almost 20 years after its initial release.