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Please see our guideline on non-free text for how to properly implement limited quotations of copyrighted text. A rare shark sometimes confused with the Bull shark. For legal reasons, we cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from other web sites or printed material; such additions will be deleted. There is little data available on Pigeye Shark due to an inability to distinguish it from other members of the genus Carcharhinus, especially the Bull Shark (C. leucas). The maximum lifespan of a Pigeye shark is at least 26 years for males and 30 years for females. The anterior rims of the nostrils bear medium-sized flaps of skin. Fisheries: minor commercial; gamefish: yes, Total processing time for the page : 0.2416 seconds. There are single rows of tiny teeth at the upper and lower symphyses. It has a varied diet, consisting mainly of bony and cartilaginous fishes and also including crustaceans, molluscs, sea snakes, and cetaceans. Juveniles move closer to the river mouths during the dry season and farther from them during the wet season; since the rainy season brings a higher flow of fresh water into the bay, the sharks may be responding directly or indirectly to the resultant decrease in salinity and dissolved oxygen levels; this is an annual movement. All Rights Reserved. The longest recorded distance covered by an adult is 670 miles. Even though it is rare, it is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical waters of Eurasia, Africa, and Oceania. name = Pigeye shark status = DD | status_system = IUCN2.3 trend = unknown regnum = Animal ia phylum = Chordata classis = Chondrichthyes subclassis = Elasmobranchii ordo = Carcharhiniformes familia = Carcharhinidae genus = "Carcharhinus " The Pigeye shark or Java shark (Carcharhinus amboinensis) is an uncommon species of requiem shark, in the family Carcharhinidae, found in the warm coastal waters of the eastern Atlantic and western Indo-Pacific. The Pigeye shark is viviparous. Existing records are patchy, and the full extent of its range may be obscured by confusion with the Bull shark. The pigeye shark or Java shark (Carcharhinus amboinensis) is an uncommon species of requiem shark, in the family Carcharhinidae, found in the warm coastal waters of the eastern Atlantic and western Indo-Pacific. The second dorsal fin is less than a third as high as the first dorsal fin and originates just in front of the anal fin. I have just modified one external link on Pigeye shark. FishBase. The first dorsal fin is large and triangular, with a pointed apex and a concave trailing margin; it originates roughly over the posterior insertions of the pectoral fins. This species of shark is native to the Eastern Atlantic and the Indo-West Pacific and is common in areas like Nigeria, the Persian Gulf, South Africa, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. They have small eyes and large triangular saw like upper teeth. 5578). Grayish in color, white below; fins with dusky tips (Ref. Marine; brackish; reef-associated; depth range 0 - 150 m (Ref. Each denticle has three to five horizontal ridges and five posterior teeth. Young pigeye sharks are potentially vulnerable to predation by larger sharks. With its bulky grey body, small eyes, and short, blunt snout, the pigeye shark looks almost identical to (and is often confused with) the better-known bull shark (C. leucas). It can be found in shallow, murky habitats with soft bottoms, and tends to roam within a fairly localized area. Animal Database is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The pigeye shark is an apex predator that mostly hunts low in the water column. Home ranges are around 12 square miles and increases slightly as they age. How satisfied are you with your experience today? Average Size and Length: The Pigeye shark measures between 6.2 and 8.2 feet. The Pigeye Shark is a large bodied, coastal shark that is sporadically distributed throughout the tropical Indo-west Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The small and circular eyes have nictitating membranes. The gestation period is about 9 to 12 months depending on location and water type. Terms of Service apply. The pectoral fins are long and broad and slightly falcate becoming narrow and pointed at the tips. The pigeye shark's size and dentition make it potentially dangerous, though it has not been known to attack humans.