* Per hour rates will be applied to each credit hour in excess of 18 The Program Integrity and Improvement rules require Wright State University to provide students the ability to opt out of fees charged to a student’s account that are associated with books and/or online access to course materials. Visit our Coronavirus website. ****Non-Ohio resident portion of tuition ($4,709 or $434/hour) is determined annually by the Wright State University Board of Trustees. Opting-out of the Inclusive Courseware Fee, and the automatic delivery of the electronic book and/or access to online course materials, will hinder your success in this class and IS NOT recommended. Rates are generally approved in the spring for the upcoming Fall term. Veterans Typically Attend Wright State University - Main Campus for no More Than $1,424. Tuition cost for the Lake Campus is among the lowest in the state! For non-Ohio resident students, the out-of-state tuition is not guaranteed. Wright State University’s Board of Trustees reviews tuition and fees on an annual basis. Visit the Residence Life and Housing website to learn more. The Wright Guarantee 2019–20 Tuition Program guarantees the same annual cost of in-state tuition, housing rates and meal plans over a four-year college career for new incoming, degree-seeking undergraduate students starting in Fall 2019 or Spring 2020. Costs do not include course or program fees. ****Non-Ohio resident portion of tuition ($4,709 or $434/hour) is determined annually by the Wright State University Board of Trustees, (3000- and 4000-level courses in BUS, EGR, NUR and courses required in these majors), * College of Engineering and Computer Science courses only COVID-19 information and resources. See all that Wright State University–Lake Campus has to offer by visiting campus. **Per hour rates will be applied to each credit hour in excess of 18 ****Non-Ohio resident portion of tuition ($4,709 or $434/hour) is determined annually by the Wright State University Board of Trustees. The cost estimator can provide students and families with an idea of the estimated expenses that could be incurred at Wright State University (minus any financial aid awards entered) based on costs established for the selected academic term. The choices you make about how you pay for school have a long-term impact, so it’s important to understand your options and make smart decisions today that will help you in the future. The Veteran and Military Center helps you apply for the GI Bill, maintain eligibility, and troubleshoot any issues. GradReady is a valuable resource that can help you prepare for school. The Wright Guarantee Tuition Program guarantees the same annual cost of in-state tuition, housing rates, and meal plans over a four-year college career for new incoming, degree-seeking undergraduate students starting in Fall 2019 or Spring 2020. For non-Ohio resident students, the out-of-state tuition is not guaranteed. **Non-Ohio resident portion of tuition ($4,709 or $434/hour… 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy., Dayton, OH 45435 USA. *Must attend at least one semester each academic year The Wright Guarantee Tuition Program guarantees the same annual cost of in-state tuition, housing rates, and meal plans over a four-year college career for new incoming, degree-seeking undergraduate students starting in Fall 2019 or Spring 2020. This cost estimator is intended for students assessed general undergraduate or graduate fees. Leadership Studies in Education and Organizations, Undergraduate Wright Guarantee 2020–21 Estimated Total Costs, Undergraduate Wright Guarantee 2019–20 Estimated Total Costs, Undergraduate Wright Guarantee 2018–19 Estimated Total Costs, Wright Guarantee 2020–21 Tuition, Housing, and Meal Plans, Wright Guarantee 2019–20 Tuition, Housing, and Meal Plans, Wright Guarantee 2018–19 Tuition, Housing, and Meal Plans, Non-Guarantee Tuition, Housing, and Meal Plans, Boonshoft School of Medicine Tuition for M1, M2, and M4 (11 or more hours), Boonshoft School of Medicine Tuition (11 or more hours). The cost estimator can provide students and families with an idea of the estimated expenses that could be incurred at Wright State University (minus any financial aid awards entered) based on costs established for the selected academic term. COVID-19 information and resources. $3,333 tuition (11–18 hours) Explore our financial aid pages to learn about grant, scholarship, work study and loan opportunities that may be available to help fund your education. Grants are financial aid that does not have to be repaid and are based on need. Wright State University is a state-supported university, therefore, our tuition and fees are modest when compared to those of other similar doctoral and professional programs in psychology. ** Rates determined annually by the Wright State University Board of Trustees. Financial accounts are subject to audit at any time throughout a student's enrollment or academic career.