After her son's birth, Chloe worries about the dangers in the world and the rise in heroes. Kara succeeds to escape from Tycho, destroying his lab and taking her belongings back. After this, Kara was asked by the new Batman (Dick Grayson) to join the newly formed Justice League, alongside himself, Donna Troy, Starman, Congo Bill, Jade, as well as Jessie Quick. Lex accepte d'innocenter Chloé[7 3]. Kara: Before that, in the Many Happy Returns storyline, the then current Supergirl (Linda Danvers) encountered a rocketship that contained a young, vibrant Kara Zor-El from the Pre-Crisis reality. As Batman starts to examine the crumpled Manhunter head he wonders where are they going, Clark grimly says everywhere. Luckily, Supergirl arrives and catches the plane on midair, saving everyone. N'apparaissent que les personnages présents dans au moins deux épisodes. She conceals her blonde hair beneath a brunette wig and functions as Supergirl only in secret, at Superman's request, until she can gain, in his opinion, sufficient control of her powers. Kara has no memory of the destruction of Krypton and believes herself to be dreaming. Pete apprend le divorce de ses parents. She is a member of the House of El, as well as the only daughter of Zor-El. Power Girl | Pendant le tournage de l'avant-dernier épisode de la première saison, Johnson a été informé que son personnage ne serait pas de retour en tant que personnage principal dans la deuxième saison. Under it she wears a tight suit of which are only visible pants, that are of the same two shades of blue between the groin and outer thighs, she completes her look with a pair of knee-length red boots and a yellow stone as a belt. Supergirl and the Supergirl of Earth 2 (Power Girl). After that Kara left the Legion to rejoin her people. After she came back, she was spotted wearing a blue, leather jacket with yellow stripes on the wrists, with a yellow shirt underneath, as well as a pair of red jeans. As Kara / Supergirl, Vandervoort became a Smallville regular during Season 7. Chloe Sullivan created a false backstory for the authorities to cover Kara's sudden appearance in Smallville, explaining that she was Clark's cousin on his adoptive father's side, raised in Minnesota for the past 19 years until she was able to track down her one remaining blood relative. Kara receives a communication regarding Clark. Clark Kent: When she was trapped in the Phantom Zone, she wore black, tattered clothing and her hair were arranged differently (in a series of braids) in order to combat the Zoners. Kara est découverte et ramenée par Lex, qui veut exploiter son amnésie à son profit, avec l'intention de découvrir la vérité sur Clark[7 10]. Superman | Lors de la troisième saison, Jonathan doit également faire face à ses problèmes cardiaques émergents. Rokk asks for Kara's help to stop the war. Kara very frequently shows her belly with the clothes she uses. During one of her adventures, Kara finds out that her biological parents survived the radiation poisoning that killed everyone else in Argo City by entering the Survival Zone (a parallel continuum akin to the Phantom Zone). Fortunately, almost instantly from the time she crash-landed, Kara was tracked by Batman. Kara has quickly embraced American popular culture, but still sometimes finds human customs strange. Dans la deuxième saison, Martha est enceinte de son premier enfant grâce au vaisseau de Clark, ce qu'elle ne pouvait pas faire quand elle a adopté Clark[2 1], mais dans l'épisode final de la deuxième saison, elle souffre d'une fausse-couche après que Clark a détruit le vaisseau [2 2]. Ils ont ensuite commencé à aimer l'idée d'introduire un nouveau personnage qui créerait un nouveau triangle amoureux. Pete heureux de ses récents pouvoirs veut devenir un héros. Dans l'épisode final de la huitième saison, Chloé utilise de la kryptonite noire pour séparer Davis de Doomsday. Kara is the only main character to have never been featured in a mid-season finale. Kara in Kara and the Chronicles of Krypton. She was portrayed by Laura Vandervoort, who also portrayed Elena Michaels in Bitten. Pour sa trahison envers les siens, Zod est envoyé dans la Zone Fantôme. He then calls all the Kryptonians to kneel before "Argo's salvation". However, before he agreed, Kara caught FBI-agent Frank Loderlistening to a conversation between her and the Kent family. Davis commence à soupçonner la même chose quand il commence à avoir de longues pertes de mémoire et se retrouve couvert de sang sans avoir de blessures sur son propre corps[8 9]. 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