It's lightweight (68g) and made from a soft, tacky polymer to ensure a comfortable feel. Gleason requested a gold Ping putter reasoning that everything that he has is gold. G Le2 Putters . Available in three premium finishes. Also available in Slate finish through special order. Wedges. The Midsize PP58 Black rubber grip is designed to keep the wrists firm and ensure a stable stroke for improved accuracy and consistency. The thickest of the PING Pistol series, the PP62 is more rounded, with a foam underlisting. The PINGVault 2.0 putters give golfers tons of options. Fairways. ツアーを制したパターたちに敬意を表して。 米ping本社には、歴代のウイニングパターを黄金で製作・保管し、その栄光を讚えるパター貯蔵庫"vault(ヴォルト)"がある。 Contoured pistol shape fits naturally into the palm and fingertips for more-consistent grip pressure. The individually milled True-Roll face pattern varies in depth and pitch across the face, which speeds up off-center impacts, ultimately leading to fewer three-putts. This ensures premium quality and precision in look, feel and sound. Available in three premium finishes. At 365g, it weighs the same as the Bergen and is also an ideal putter for a slight arc or straight stroke. G Le2 Putters . These are built starting from a 6061 T-6 aluminium fully machined precision body, together with the True-Roll face technology, and are completed with a cast 17-4 stainless steel soleplate. Wedges. Precision Milling. 100%-milled and custom-weighted for your feel and balance preference. ・削り出し6061アルミ二ウム採用 PING Vault putters are named for our famous Gold Putter Vault, which gleams with gold-plated and solid-gold replicas of winning PING putters, today numbering close to 3,000. Precision milling of the mallets takes place at PING headquarters in our machine shop, where craftsmen oversee every detail, including milling of the TR face technology. The individually milled True-Roll face pattern varies in depth and pitch across the face, which speeds up off-center impacts, ultimately leading to fewer three-putts. Precision-milled TR technology ensures full-face forgiveness for consistent speed off the face. Crossovers. ・削り出し303ステンレス採用 Hybrids. [7] Watson won the 2014 Masters Tournament with a Ping Anser 1 Milled and Ping recognized the feat by making him a solid gold putter worth $30,000 in gold (as of 2014), rather than the "standard" gold-plated putter. Platinum finish available through special order. Head weight manufacturing tolerance is ±6g. ●Assembled in Japan[ カスタム・一部修理等:Assembled in USA ]. Heads are engineered to exacting standards and fully machined to the tightest tolerances. Ping Vault Oslo Review. [5] The vault can grow in two ways: more wins with Ping clubs or documenting wins with Ping clubs that have not yet been recognized. PING Vault 2.0 Putter . Not all that have won a Tour event with Ping have received a golden club because they have been missed. PING Vault putters are named for our famous Gold Putter Vault, which gleams with gold-plated and solid-gold replicas of winning PING putters, today numbering close to 3,000. This oversize design helps quiet the wrists using a narrow elliptical bottom that transitions to a larger-diameter pistol grip shape at the upper end of the grip. ・削り出し303ステンレス採用 The Ping Vault 2.0 putters are an update on the original Ping Vault putter, but they are still based on the same premise of being milled from a single block of 303 Stainless Steel.. The Ping Gold Putter Vault provides the storage of the golf clubs from the Ping Gold Putter Program that was initiated by Karsten Solheim (Founder of American golf equipment manufacturer Ping), to commemorate a golfer's victory using a Ping putter. Also available in Copper and Stealth finishes through special order. Choose a Club Drivers. ツアーを制した選手たちに敬意を表して。PING本社には、歴代のウイニングパターを黄金で制作し、その栄光を讃えるパターの貯蔵庫「VAULT」があります。その名を冠した「VAULT」パターは、勝利をつかむためにあらゆる技術を工芸品のような気品を身にまとったニューモデル。303ステンレス / 6061アルミニウム削り出しで、素材とデザインにこだわった5モデルがラインナップしました。, 削り出しから得られる最上のフィーリングに新TR溝を搭載し、ソフトで心地よい打音を実現。ヘッドの細かい部分にまで拘った形状と見た目がプレーヤーを魅了します。, 全モデル2つの高級仕上げがラインアップ。シルバーの光沢を放つプラチナム仕上げ、ヘッドを小さく見せる効果のあるスレート仕上げより選択が可能。, ANSER2、VOSS、ARNAにおいては、心地よい打感を生み出す削り出し303ステンレスをヘッドに採用。バックフェース~溝まで、フェースの細部まで拘った極上のパターが誕生しました。, マレットタイプのOSLO,BERGENにおいては、ソフトな6061アルミの削り出し+17-4ステンレススチール(ソールウェイト)の複合素材。ヘッドの直進性及びMOIを上げる深低重心設計となり、アラインメント効果も加わった2モデルをラインアップ。, PING独自のテクノロジーで開発された新・削り出しTR溝。中央の溝を深く、周辺部を浅く、打点によって溝の深さを調整することで従来のパターよりも、ボール初速が約50%も安定し、距離感と方向性がアップ。(当社調べ), ANSER 2 (アンサー2)PINGの代表モデル