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The rapper then dismantled the presidential hopeful's rhetoric, saying his slogan, "Make America great again," really means, "Make America white again. Donald Trump probably wants to build a wall between himself and Mac Miller right now. Even as Trump fumed and hurled insults, Miller denounced the “racist” then-candidate, vowing to “never give up” on America. The late Mac Miller’s first charting single came in 2011 with “Donald Trump”. Editor's note: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims -- 1.6 billion members of an entire religion -- from entering the U.S. Get the top stories emailed every day. Mac Miller named his first hit song after Donald Trump. The song's music video was uploaded to YouTube on March 3, 2011, while the single was released digitally on May 17, 2011. The melody, which is played throughout the song, is sampled from "Vesuvius" by Sufjan Stevens. Newsletters may offer personalized content or advertisements. Donald Trump has threatened legal action against Mac Miller over his gold-certified song “Donald Trump.”. ", The rapper called Trump an "egomaniacal, attention-thirsty, psychopathic, power-hungry, delusional waste of skin and bones" and said the candidate is fueling the fire of hate groups and will say or do anything to get "one more minute in the limelight.". Now Miller's firing back in an expletive-riddled speech of his own. "Donald Trump" is a song by American rapper Mac Miller, released as the only single from his mixtape Best Day Ever (2011). Privacy Policy, Mac Miller Totally Destroys Donald Trump On 'The Nightly Show'. "I only have one thing to say, 'I fucking hate you, Donald Trump,'" Miller said to kick off his appearance on "The Nightly Show" earlier this week. But if Trump gets elected, Miller isn't going to Canada like some others. Little @MacMiller, I’m now going to teach you a big boy lesson about lawsuits and finance. He killed it. President Trump has been silent about the passing of Mac Miller, but before Trump entered politics, he had a lot to say about the rapper, who died last Friday at 26. ", "I come here today as a white man with the hope that maybe you'll listen to me," said Miller. Of course, “Donald Trump,” because we just met each other and that was insane. The presidential candidate threatened to sue the rapper over his platinum song, "Donald Trump," and he even dissed him on Twitter, calling the Pittsburgh native an "ungrateful dog.". At First, Trump Seemed Amused by the Song — Then He Got Mad That He Wasn’t Getting a Share of … "In other words, let me 'white-splain' this to you, you racist son of a bitch. The presidential candidate threatened to sue the rapper over his platinum song, " Donald Trump ," and he even dissed him on Twitter, calling the Pittsburgh native an "ungrateful dog." Copyright © 2020, Inc. "HuffPost" is a registered trademark of, Inc. All rights reserved. Miller said he's "staying right the fuck here. Donald Trump probably wants to build a wall between himself and Mac Miller right now. ", "I'm gonna be here every day telling the world how much I hate you, how much of a clown you are and how we as a nation are better than you will ever be as a racist fuck-wad of a human, because I love America, and I'm never giving it up to a troll like you, you bitch!". I love when Mac used to go in on shit, rather than just crafting a song. Tucker Carlson's Pronunciation Of 'Ottawa' Has People In Stitches, Pandemic's Second Wave Shifting To Seniors, Tam Warns, Ontario Got 74% Of National Housing Fund, While B.C. Starved for attention, Donald Trump slithered back into our consciousness by threatening to sue rapper Mac Miller for … something. Got Less Than 1%, Goodbye Elizabeth May, Hello Annamie Paul (Podcast), Legion Encourages Canadians To Stay Home For Remembrance Day This Year, Watch: Weatherman Rolls With Hilarious Technical Hiccups, Why These Royals Don't Go By Their Birth Names, Mask Acne, Or 'Maskne,' Is A Pandemic Curse That You And Your Skin Can Beat, Prince William Launches $65M Environmental Prize To Tackle Climate Change, U.S. Trade Concerns Over Canada’s Plastic Ban Are ‘Wrong,’ Environment Minister Says, Former PM John Turner's Most Interesting Stories Didn't Come While In Office, CBC's ‘Trickster’ Is Indigenous Gothic At Its Finest, Gay Twitter Is Taking Back The Term 'Proud Boys', Quebec To Launch Inquest Into Joyce Echaquan's Death Following Protest.