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“The year’s most interesting publication from Penguin Classics was actually […] a new translation by Christine Donougher of the novel we all know as Les Misérables. “Donougher's translation is a magnificent achievement. The Novel of the Century is a book as rich, remarkable and long-lasting as the novel at its heart. ISBN13: 9780143107569 This is the best translation of the novel available in English, as recommended by David Bellos in The Novel of the Century . It wasn't an easy section but I ended up getting a lot out of it in the end. Copyright © 2000-2020 This website is subject to copyright laws and may be covered by other intellectual property.All rights reserved. Progress isn't inevitable; it's often chaotic; what seems like a good idea (the industrial revolution and globalisation), can have many negative side effects and what starts off negatively can turn out to have some positive outcomes. As I mentioned last time, I’ve picked up a new translation of Les Misérables, the 2013 Donougher translation. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Les Misérables: Penguin Classics. Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press. Recibe nuestras novedades en libros en tu email. Lee Fahnestock, Norman MacAfee, and Charles Edwin Wilbour ( I've still been mulling over exactly what I meant about Hugo's ideas about progress. Fortunately these flaws of logic and historical truth don't get in the way of Hugo's grander themes about love, redemption and sacrifice. Read our DMCA Policies and Disclaimer for more details. A royalist and conservative as a young man, Hugo later became a committed social democrat and was exiled from France as a result of his political activities. Thanks for your thoughtful comments Jane. A lo largo de muchos años, compaginó su brillante producción literaria con su exitosa carrera política, por lo que se convirtió en uno de los personajes de mayor relevancia pública de su época en Francia. explicit about social conditions in early nineteenthcentury France. eBookMall is a recognized leader in eBooks. The translation is our own from the original French of Les Misérables. Victor Hugo's tale of injustice, heroism and love follows the fortunes of Jean Valjean, an escaped convict determined to put his criminal past behind him. I feel like I’ll … Les Misérables is available as a Penguin Classic, in an acclaimed new translation by Christine Donougher, with an introduction by Robert Tombs. But his attempts to become a respected member of the community are constantly put under threat: by his own conscience, when, owing to a case of mistaken identity, another man is arrested in his place; and by the relentless investigations of the dogged policeman Javert. Considerado como uno de los mayores poetas franceses, su influencia posterior sobre Baudelaire, Rimbaud, e incluso Mallarmé y los surrealistas es innegable. This is almost an exact quote of a previous answer I wrote on which English translation is the best but truely it depends what you want from the translation. As Hugo makes clear earlier, the I want to read all your posts as I read Les Mis. ", "Christine Donougher's seamless and very modern translation of Les Misérables has an astonishing effect in that it reminds readers that Hugo was going further than any Dickensian lament about social conditions ... [Les Mis] touches the soul.". Congrats (cuz it's also sort of a reader's bucket list item, yes?). This exciting new translation with Jillian Tamakis brilliant cover art will be a gift both to readers who have already fallen for its timeless story and to new readers discovering it for the first time. 11 - 12 ) . Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. My first impressions: Christine Donougher’s translation reads very smoothly. A few years ago I finally realized that my own personal vision that life is getting better (despite manifold issues we struggle with) must be based on the massive amount of reading of Victorian lit that I did as a young person, while my brain was still forming. ... 0-14-044279-0 $ 11.95 VICTOR HUGO LES MISÉRABLES 304 pp . can differ from each other in their degree of verbal accuracy , and in their ... ... VICTOR Les Misérables Translated by Norman Denny 9780140444308 Set in the Parisian underworld and plotted like a detective story, the work follows the fortunes of the convict Jean Valjean, a victim of society