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Probably the well-known rhyme of schoolboy notoriety may be in allusion also to the famed outlaw of Sherwood Forest:—, Robin a Ree, Robin a Ree, if I let thee dee Robin Hood's Grave is a cairn on Crosby Ravensworth Fell. Richard Grafton’s chronicle records that after Robin Hood’s death, ‘the prioresse of the same place caused him to be buried by the highway-side, where he had used to rob and spoyle those that passed that way. (Translation is by David Hester, University of Adelaide). Neighbourhood Plans have real legal force,. Some provinces of Spain have a similar custom, but to take the words of the writer, the stone is there thrown on the grave. European early Latin, English. Regulation 19 of the General Development Procedure Order 1995. Robin Hood's grave could be concreted over to become an INDUSTRIAL ESTATE ROBIN Hood’s grave will be concreted over under plans to build a sprawling industrial estate on the centuries-old meadows where he fired his last arrow. Is it not time, to develop the former Mirfield Councill building because it’s giving the wron... Sunrise photo secrets. The earliest occurrence of this place-name noted in A. H. Smith's Place-Names of Westmorland is an 1859 MS Ordnance Survey name book. The answer to the maths, and word mind plant ??? The Royal Commission on Historical Monuments noted in 1936 that the cairn had been "robbed of much of its stone". Ings Grove Park Mirfield 06-04-2015 just off the town centre Flight around, and above the park, KMC are selling up to 20 of their small sites for development 2015, KMC Flood Management & Drainage Service working together with Project Mirfield 2015, Knowl Park, Knowl Road Mirfield 06 04 2015 video flight around the park, and some stunning views from above the park, Ledgard Bridge Colliery Mirfield 09-03-1886, Ledgard Bridge Mirfield, HD PHOTOS REVEALING NEW ANGLE NEVER SEEN BEFORE , AND THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE BRIDGE– 22-02-2015, Material considerations ” to mitigate the impacts of Development” Application ref number – 2014/62/91282/E – Land off Woodward Court/ Hepworth Lane, Mirfield – Bellway Homes, Mining workings, Map of Mirfield Coal Company Calder Colliery Dark Lane Drift May 1905, Mirfield – Ravensthorpe 1914 mine working map, Mirfield: The number of households 8,520, and population of 19.372 in 2011 – 30.9952 Kilometre. Robin Hood's Grave, Kirklees Hall Although several sites claim to be the final resting place of the English folklore outlaw Robin Hood , the most well known is the monument near to the former Kirklees Priory , which is now part of the Kirklees Hall estate. Not far from Robin Hood's Grave is a spring known as "King's Well," which is supposed to bear its royal title from being visited by King Henry VII. In recent years, Calderdale Heritage Walks have organised occasional tours of the estate for the public.[5]. A. H. Smith makes the plausible suggestion that the name of Robin Hood's Grave was related to that of the nearby Howe Robin.[4].