Leslie wins the city council seat, the team celebrates, and a drunk Ann says she wants to move in with Tom, who makes her swear that she can’t take it back when she sobers up.Quote: Ron: “Clear alcohols are for rich women on diets.”Realism: It’s as good a time as any to celebrate, but as for Ron’s comment, it’s not like Ben was ordering an Appletini. Joe Biden and Herman Cain Have a Turf War Over Mike Pence’s Scalp. Is marriage a great idea for them? The winner between the Tammys gets possession of Ron, leading Leslie to throw her hat in the ring. Ann Perkins is Leslie’s best friend. There’s a little satire mixed in with a lot of simply silly jokes. They decide to do something epic, so they head to a pawn shop to get pen-ink tattoos. The primary woman from his life in the show before her is his deranged ex-wife, Tammy 2, played by Nick Offerman’s real wife, Megan Mullally. However, this episode is mostly fun because of the ‘90s-themed birthday party Leslie throws for Ben, which ends up with Leslie having to rush to filibuster a vote while still in her costume, roller skates and all. I’m drunk!”Quote: April: “I was kind of getting sick of hearing Tom and Ann talk about their relationship, but then I remembered alcohol existed. “RECALL” (S6, E7)Drinking Plot: When Leslie’s voted off the city council, she falls into a nihilistic depression that leads to her drowning her sorrows at a local pub with Ben. To help matters, Ben and Tom take the soon-to-be-divorced Joan to lunch, where she gets drunk, makes explicit passes at Tom, and has to be carried home. “HUNTING TRIP” (S2, E10) The women of the Glitter Factory may not be his type, but any and all breakfast food certainly is. “I dont know what she thought I’d get out of that,” he says, holding back tears. Light beers.”Realism: Aziz Ansari is a tiny man, but getting sloshed on two light beers would only be believable if it were his first time drinking. From friction.”Realism: Reuniting with a deranged ex, cornrows, and a Prince Albert piercing seem like the only kind of thing one would do when completely crocked. 26. That’s lovely.” Ron: “I didn’t shave it off. Leslie Knope has a nemesis, and he’s a teenage boy who is practically a hormonal Professor Moriarty. It’s funny, tender, bold, emotional and everything you want from a series finale. The rest of the group gets food together, sets up the tent, and promotes the gala to everyone in town. Though they don’t seem to get that drunk, Tom takes them to a molecular gastronomy bar where drinks are served in lotion and vapor form, and Ron treats them to a steak and scotch dinner.Quote: Ron [to Tom, before they go to Essence, the molecular bar]: “So, there’s no wrong way to consume alcohol.” [Cut to Ron at Essence, watching Tom inhale his “aromasphere” cocktail]: “This is the wrong way to consume alcohol.”Realism: The guys look pretty good for a bachelor party that ends at sunrise. It’s a massive undertaking, but the show nailed the landing perfectly. John Larroquette is excellent in a memorable guest spot as an unhinged ex-lover of Leslie’s mom. When that doesn’t do the trick, Leslie and Ron take him to Pawnee’s strip club, the Glitter Factory, where Tom passes out and needs to be carried home.Quote: This exchange: Leslie: “How could there still be glitter on me?” Tom: “It takes forever to get it off. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. Spoiler alert: The world didn’t end during the third season of “Parks and Recreation.” In fact, the show would last for a few more years. The young lovebirds are getting married! He wakes up the next morning to find he drunk-dialed Jen Barkley with a very detailed political platform. You get drunk, you make speeches, and you make you love to the prettiest bridesmaid, usually standing from behind.”Realism: Drinks at a wedding and a few loosen-up cocktails at a singles mixer seem completely reasonable, although most weddings we’ve been to usually involve someone overdoing it. When he tries to cheer her up, she only drags him down, making him think he peaked at 18 years old. “WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW” (S4, E22)Drinking Plot: On election night, Leslie and her team wait out the results at an after-party. Just write ‘Ben.’”Realism: There’s a reason Washington, D.C., instituted a 24-hour waiting period for tattoos. “THE FIGHT” (S3, E13) Drinking Plot: Tom invites everyone to the Snakehole to try out his Kahlua-style liqueur made of “a bunch of alcohol … some sugar and coffee, and some other junk.” Everyone gets obliterated. Quote: Donna, to Ben: “We didn’t prank you because we dislike you. Yes, there’s some serious stuff in here, including Leslie and Ann having their first fight. When Joan Callamezzo is too drunk to host her show, Ron takes over and takes phone calls on the air about the gala, woodworking, and meat. Even Ron, normally a stoic drunk, puts on a little hat and dances like a goofball. 16. Oh, and in the end it does work out. They decide to get married! Quote: Ben: “My teeth are blue … blueberries are alcoholic … I was just saying to Ron that my dog’s Jewish.” Realism: For a man as wise as he is, Ron should know that getting someone drunk is the worst way to make them shut up about their feelings. Rife to fall for her wiles in this episode felt like “ the Fight ” is just,... Prank goes awry, the funniest episode of the biggest Joan episodes, though, a true legend. The winner between the Tammys gets possession of Ron, who he ends up with and... When Tom tries to seduce her, it lives up to the of... Local cop Dave ( Louis C.K Policy | Contact Us Andy prepares for the Coronavirus gal Gadot to Smokey. An abundance of blurred-out.... well, you 'll just have to tune to. Europe and its multitudes of terribleness day ’ s barber, a man he has been seeing for.. Scott struggle to get past one little line on Parks and Recreation, which like the entire season. Not be his type, but it still counts as one episode a gala of! 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