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Visit Grassley’s Website » Head over to Sen. Charles “Chuck” Grassley’s website. "[89] In response to the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, Grassley stated that it was unlikely that gun laws would change in the wake of the shooting due to Congress being Republican-dominated. If the problem persists, please call our office. By Sen. Chuck Grassley Serving and honoring those who have selflessly served us and this nation through military service is important. [32] Grassley was ranked the 5th most bipartisan Senator of the 114th United States Congress and the 7th most bipartisan Senator in the first session of the 115th Congress by the Bipartisan Index, a metric created by the Lugar Center for the Lugar Center and Georgetown's McCourt School of Public Policy to rank members of the United States Congress by their degree of bipartisanship. [54] As of December 2013, Grassley had cast 6,806 consecutive roll call votes,[55] placing him second behind the all-time consecutive vote record holder, Senator William Proxmire (D-Wis). Grassley offered his opinion that since 2016 was a presidential election year, the "American people shouldn't be denied a voice" in the Supreme Court nomination, which was "too important to get bogged down in politics". [74] On June 28, 2005, he voted for the bill. Grassley led a 2008 Congressional Investigation which found that well-known university psychiatrists, who had promoted psychoactive drugs, had violated federal and university regulations by secretly receiving large sums of money from the pharmaceutical companies which made the drugs. "[104] The APA said that industry contributed 28% of its budget ($14 million at that time), mainly through paid advertising in APA journals and funds for continuing medical education.[125]. Sen. Chuck Grassley on Wednesday demanded that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden release a list of his potential nominees to the Supreme Court by the end of the month, saying there is “no reason” for the former vice president “to hide” the names. Read more about Grassley op-ed: Preserving the legacies of Iowa’s service members through the Veterans History Project Here's what's in it", "Senate Republicans call on Trump to preserve NAFTA", "1983: Neoconservative Arrives at Pentagon, Allegedly Acts as Israeli Agent within Defense Department", "Sen. Charles Grassley plans new whistleblower-protection caucus", "Grassley grilled on Snowden views at whistleblower talk", "Chuck Grassley defends Ukraine whistleblower, breaking with GOP and Trump", "Grassley breaks with Trump over protecting whistleblower", "Grassley suggests absence of women on Judiciary due to committee's heavy workload", "Chuck Grassley: Judiciary should have more women, because they 'are smarter than most male senators, "Grassley, Baucus Urge Four Ministries to Cooperate", "Researchers Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay", "Drug Makers and College Labs: Too Cozy? an American Farmer, aka the new welfare queen, Your email address will not be published. Must Take Its Medicine (Not Hemlock)", "Grassley cosponsors flag-burning amendment", "Grassleys opposition to individual insurance mandate comes under fire", "Grassley Endorses "Death Panel" Rumor: "You Have Every Right To Fear, "Grassley: Government shouldn't 'decide when to pull the plug on grandma, "Grassley was for 'death panels' before he was against them", "GOP senators voice reservations about TSA nominee Erroll Southers", "Senate Passes Arms Control Treaty With Russia, 71-26", "Senate Deal Sets Up Friday Christmas Exit, Pushes Yellen Confirmation to 2014 (Updated)", "Susan Collins casts her 5,000th consecutive vote", "Here's a list of the GOP senators who signed the Iran letter", "Senator Grassley introduces bill to protect taxpayers from IRS", "Cruz's bid for a 'full Grassley' succeeds at the wire", "Brett Kavanaugh Is Trump's Pick for Supreme Court", "Chuck Grassley: Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh a 'superb' choice", "Grassley: 'How are you going to know' how Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will rule?