2 questions, Real Estate Contracts approx. So, what are the most highly tested MBE topics? 5 questions, Ownership of Property approx. (By the way, the seven MBE subjects are really eight or nine - Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure are combined as one subject and Con Law is often taught as two separate classes in law school). Similarly, you should balance your MBE studying accordingly. This is a great free MBE resource. Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure: (25 questions). Just dont ignore the lesser tested Sub-topic areas, as they will still show up on your exam. Hawaii Legal Ethics Exam. And the outline shows that you shouldn't give equal weight to all topics within an MBE subject. Post 3. Similarly, half of the Torts questions come from just one of the five major Torts areas tested on the exam - negligence. Contracts and Sales: (25 questions). We cover the following topics in the MEE guide: Agency and Partnership Corporations and LLCs Civil Procedure Conflict of Laws Constitutional Law Contracts Criminal Law and Procedure Evidence Family law Real Property Secured Transactions Torts Wills and Trusts Topics in our MEE Guide Introduction to the Guide Agency and Partnership Corporations and LLCs Civil Procedure Conflict of Laws Constitutional Law Contracts Criminal Law and Procedure Evidence Family Law Real Property Secured Transactions Torts Wills and Trusts Download the Guide Law School Admissions Forum; Law School Personal Statements; LSAT Prep and Discussion Forum; Law School Acceptances, Denials, and Waitlists It does not, however, necessarily test these areas equally! The subject matter outlines, which can be found here, go through all of the topics that will be tested across the seven MBE subjects. The subject matter outlines, which can be found here, go through all of the topics that will be tested across the seven MBE subjects. The MEE Subjects are listed as follows: Agency & Partnership; Corporations & LLCs; Civil Procedure; Conflict of Laws; Constitutional Law; Contracts; Criminal Law and Procedure; Evidence by SilvermanBarPrep Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:51 pm, Post Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Accessibility Information, *The Hawaii Judiciary is not affiliated with Sustain Technologies, Inc. or with eCourt, which is a registered trademark of Sustain Technologies, Inc, Hawaii Bar Exam Components and Subjects Tested, Hawaii State Law Library COVID-19 Resources, Volunteer Court Navigators at Maui District Court, COVID-19 & the COURTS: FOR UPDATES, CLICK HERE, Instructions for Non-Standard Testing Accommodations, Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Hawaii, Rule 1, Contacts for Certificates of Good Standing. To optimize your MBE performance, you can use this chart to prioritize your studying by focusing on the HIGHLY tested MBE topics more than the lesser tested topics. Real Property: (25 questions). (About 6-7 of the questions will be on UCC Article 2 and revised Article 1). Instead, over 40% of the J18 MEE topics were never tested before while another 40% were tested only one prior time. Each of the questions on the MBE is followed by four possible answers. Dec 20, 2018 - Here, we give you free MEE outlines of the highly tested topics on the MEE. What Are Real MBE Questions And Where Can I Find Them? And be sure to nail down the subjects that you know the MBE tests most frequently. For example, Civil Procedure questions on the MBE are more likely to touch on jurisdiction and venue issues than appealability and review ones. Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) 2. Frequency Charts. Interested in JD Advising, but on the fence? 1. (By the way, the seven MBE subjects are really eight or nine - Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure are combined as one subject and Con Law is often taught as two separate classes in law school). This chart and these percentages are based on the National Conference of Bar Examiners subject matter outlines which you can find here. For example, there are four major areas of Con Law covered on the MBE, but half of all Con Law questions on the MBE come from just one area - individual rights. Your study time is limited. Focus Your Limited Study Time. Not only that, these sheets quickly condense rule statements into clusters, helping you spot and analyze issues likely to be tested together thereby reinforcing your memory and triggering connections on test day. Note: if you are interested in the MEE topics that have been tested most frequently, dont miss out on our MEE one-sheets. (By the way, the seven MBE subjects are really eight or nine - Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure are combined as one subject and Con Law is often taught as two separate classes in law school). The subject matter outlines, which can be found here, go through all of the topics that will be tested across the seven MBE subjects. Studying for the MBE isn't easy. The Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) tests many areas of law. by cheeseee Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:26 am, Post They are one of our most highly rated products! Strict Liability and Products Liability3-5 questions, Privileges and Other Policy Exclusions approx.