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Payments from 1996 through 2002 have been rolled-up and appear as "2002." How to Search: Enter one or more criteria in the form below. Chicago, Illinois 60606-6998 VOICE: (312) 553-2590 FAX: (312) 553-2594 www.ccc.edu procurementservices@ccc.edu City Colleges of Chicago Vendor Application Please submit the required vendor information listed below so All contract and modification information since 1993 is available on Enter one or more criteria in the form below. View the actual contracts and associated modifications and disclosures. The vendor is not guaranteed any particular contract award amount. Search for information on City contracts and awards by such means as vendor name, contract or specification number, award date, or any combination of these. All contract and modification information since 1993 is available on this site. If your firm is a certified Minority (MBE) or Woman-Owned Business (WBE), we ask that you include copies of your Throughout the year, the City of Chicago will continue to add more payment options online. Soon, you'll be able to make all of your payments here - whether you are paying your water bill or your parking ticket. A Depends Upon Requirements contract is an indefinite quantities contract in which the city places orders as needed. Find information about the City's vendors. All vendor payments made by the City of Chicago from 1996 to present. The vendor application should be completed in its entirety and e-mailed to procurementservices@ccc.edu.