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they can save more money and there is no child labor in late 1800's. By 1900, how much did the US population grow? it attached the soles to the upper part of a shoe. But it was dangerous particularly for reasons of economics: owners were under no regulations and did not have a financial reason to protect their workers. In many cases, children weren't paid at all, but worked for their room and board. The Industrial Revolution change the location of work for many people . Before the creation of the railroad system, it took how long to travel from NY to San Fran. The movement of Americans to the western regions of the country is known as: What Industry led the way for the Revolution. Iron workers worked in temperatures of 130 degrees and higher every day. Their small size was also an asset and textile factories a narrow coal mines. The owners of the factory preferred children rather than adults in the late 1800's because they could be less for two children rather than one adults. children could be paid lower wages than adults. Manufacturing of products from 1800-1900: A __ is a group of people manage companies as a single unit. Which is a reason for the rapid growth of labor unions in the late 1800s? Because the machines ran on steam from fires, there was smoke everywhere. a. Children were afforded more workplace protection than adults. Children could be paid less than adults to do the same work. When they did earn wages, children often earned 10 to 20 percent of what an adult would earn for the same job. Mark this and return Next See answer babykyy19 is waiting for your help. What is a characteristic of a corporation if it goes bankrupt? California – Do not sell my personal information. They were also easier to have a control over and were the least to form labor unions. Andy ate 1/2 of the sandwich. union leaders negotiating on behalf of a group of workers. O Children could be paid lesser wages than adults. Children who worked often received little or no education. They were also easier to have a control over and were the least to form labor unions. During the early Industrial Age, which group had the most economic power? But child exploitation continues around the world. In the early 1900s, labor unions petitioned for child labor laws, women’s workplace rights, better working conditions, fewer weekly work hours and higher pay, but it wasn’t until 1938 that the Fair Labor Standards Act was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Children did not get any sunlight, physical activity (apart from work) or education, which led to deformities and a shorter than average length. In many cases, children weren't paid at all, but worked for their room and board. The Age of 9 to work in factories early in the West was brought about by RR?... 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