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This particular story was about four survivors of a shipwreck that were left on an boat for days and days until they finally decided to kill the cabin boy and eat him. They're sure to totally freak you out! The shop had everything from product, food and medical supplies to a MASSIVE junkyard in the back full of automobiles and planes. In the 19th century, Poe wrote a book called “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym”. Norman Mailer wrote a book about a Russian spy hiding out in a Brooklyn apartment. And if he simply meant, "We have protection against every possible assassination method except if some nuts shoots me from a window with a rifle, in which case we're utterly screwed!" You read that correct. In fact, he tried to calmly reassure the First Lady that everything would be fine with these ominously prophetic words: "We're entering nut country today. But the more you learn about the Lee "curse," the freakier it gets. Enzo Ferrari was the founder of Ferrari and sadly died on August 14, 1988. Don’t say we will multiply!’ I was going to intervene before he said it, but BAM, he drops the same dorky joke I did 10 years before. Well after dinner my dad has to leave, when he is about to walk out he handed the boy the guitar and told him that he could have it if he promised to practice every day and one day he would try to return to hear him play it. I pick up my pace, briskly walking through this second pool of light, noticing that the first pool has disappeared as I leave it behind. The creepy coincidence in this tragic story happens a year later where the previous moped driver’s brother was killed while he was riding the same exact moped his brother was on the same exact street. This is not about a conspiracy theory before you start thinking that, but rather a creepy coincidence that happened just before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Life is really, really good. In fact, in most recent elections you really didn't have a choice, since over the past two decades, nearly every presidential candidate has been left-handed. He told me not to follow him out of the doors when he left. She told me that my grandfather had a lot of redeeming qualities, but she married him largely because ‘the sex was amazing.’ I learned more about my grandmother in that hour than I had my whole life. The answer is, "basically any other way but that." Such events truly give us an amazing experience that will never be forgotten. This name is one of the most infamous names throughout history- and shipwrecks. It was revealed that the only survivor was a man named Hugh Williams. The day I went to the museum was 50 years to the day since his death.”. 10 Most Haunted Places in Texas You Must Visit, You Can Now Book Tickets To Walk With The Spirits At The Infamous Winchester Mystery House, Walk-in Style While Showing Who You Support in the Age-Old Debate of Freddy Vs. Jason, Dead Cat Drone That Continues To Divide Opinions, 10 Horror Movies Which Generated The Highest Return On Investment, The Draco Lizard: The Flying Dragons That You Never Heard Of. Check out these 13 amazing coincidences we've collated below! Sadly, no one survived this tragic line of events. That left-handers are secretly a superior race who are naturally born to rule the other 90 percent of society? I practically legged it up the hill from the stream, I was so afraid. Naturally, that kind of colossal event deserves some fanfare on a biblical level, so it is fitting that the fall of the city coincided perfectly with a partial lunar eclipse. Ironically, Twain passed away Halley’s Comet returned to Earth in 1910. Old-time historians weren't above sexing up their accounts with a little bit of what experts call "bullshit." The creepy coincidence in this story is that all 15 members of the choir, as well as the choir director, were unharmed because for different reasons, they were all running late that evening. For starters, both of these men were married on the same day, which was March 14th, 1844 and happened to have their weddings in the same town named Turin.