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I would like to have my eye bags removed & my cheek lifted and wondering if a SOOF eyelift will take care of both. Endoscope CPT is bundled with this CPT. Excessive fat and skin could need to be removed. SOOF is an abbreviation for "sub-orbicularis oculi fat," but there is NO standard widely adopted single method of managing this fat during blepharoplasty. A SOOF lift blepharoplasty can create a much younger appearance with a very small and subtle alteration to the face. For more information and many examples of both procedures, please see the link and the video below. SOOF stands for suborbicularis oculi fat pad. Rarely patients require repeat surgery. Consult with a doctor virtually or in person, Oculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology. I have not changed my fees in 15 years: Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon developed the SOOF … The mid-face lift is a surgical option for helping an individual’s mid- face region look younger and healthier. These may provide a temporary improvement in under eye bags, however the only way to really...Read the rest of this entry Once the mid-face lift has concluded, the incision sites are closed with sutures and ointment is applied. Soof – lower lid blepharoplasty – Charlotte,NC. He also lifts the mid-face fat which tends to migrate from under the lower lid. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Center for Facial Plastic and Laser Surgery, Rhinoplasty revision in Charlotte, NC and how it works, Nose job surgeon in Charlotte, NC, how to get the best, Best rhinoplasty specialist in Charlotte, NC, and the procedures, Best nose job surgeon in Charlotte, NC and why, Rhinoplasty in Charlotte, NC from top nose surgeon corrects noses. If need to add a canthopexy $600 SOOF lift blepharoplasty performed by Charlotte’s best facial plastic surgeon, Dr. M. Sean Freeman As we age, we may try to fight off the signs by using serums and creams with peptides, vitamins and topical applications which eliminate fluid. In adds to, alterations in the tone of the muscles that surround the eye can also lead to in droopy eyelids and in such patients, a mid-face lift can be beneficial. What is a SOOF eyelift, how is it performed, what are the benefits, average costs, and is it the same as a having lower eyelid blepharoplasty? He makes a very small incision inside the lower eyelid and then tightens the entire structure so that it is able to contain the orbital fat. The removal of this tissue could be necessary, since if it is left behind, it can make the area look rather bulky. For cosmetic surgery, new techniques have been developed over the years that can help people look and feel a lot younger in a fairly short time. Learning what is a SOOF lift is important if you are interested in eye surgery. Amongst the various procedures available, a mid-face lift or trans-conjunctival sub-orbicularis oculi fat pad (SOOF) lift is a well-recognized procedure with numerous advantages. What is the standard eyelid surgery recovery time? The SOOF falls vertically and surgeons primarily lift laterally. The incision can also be made under the eyelashes on the skin side. SOOF an endoscopic blepharoplasty technique to repair ectropion, usually. It is a rather complex operation and like any surgery could have complications. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. - Founded in 2000, Sooft is… I rely on lifting the SOOF in repairing damaged lower eyelids.