Texas Candidates is an online, subscription based service providing information on Texas elected officials and candidates. Candidate names will be added through 2019-2020, with most names appearing as signature filing deadlines elapse. Information on each district includes a map; the district’s partisan split and the partisan historical trend line; a breakdown of the district’s counties including the partisan breakdown by county and the county’s percentage of the overall vote; and the district’s ethnic demographics (both overall population and voting age population). “I have been involved with Texas Candidates’ campaign reporting service since its inception. The major Democratic candidates are former U.S. Rep. Chris Bell of Houston, Houston council member Amanda Edwards, former Air Force helicopter pilot … The Texas Election Code designates the Secretary of State as the chief election officer of the State of Texas. Election, Primary & Caucus Dates: State Primary: March 3, 2020 Runoff: May 26, 2020 Presidential Primary: March 3, 2020 Type: open Democrat Delegates: 262 (228 pledged, 34 super) Republican Delegates: 155 Texas Electoral Votes: 38 Texas Candidates provides a detailed report on each race that includes information on the district, information on each candidate, and a commentary on the race. Click here for a list only including challengers. 254.1581, Chapter 254, Title 15, Election Code, an out-of-state political committee is required to file reports for each reporting period under Subchapter F, Chapter 254, Election Code, in which the out-of-state political committee accepts political contributions or makes political expenditures in connection with a state or local election in Texas. Texas is second only to California with electoral votes. Your source for the Most In-Depth Analysis The Houston Chronicle politics team's interactive guide to the candidates and key national, state and local races that Texas voters will decide Nov. 3. For each candidate, TexasCandidates.com provides contact information, biographical information, slogan, issues, campaign finance data (contributions and expenditures), and endorsements – publications, groups, and individuals. Are you ready to make a difference in 2020, if so…these are some things you need to know: 2020 Texas Uniform Election Day The Texas 2020 Election is Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Texas Candidates is an online, subscription based service providing information on Texas elected officials and candidates. The names are broken out by state, chamber and party. of Candidates for Texas Government. Texas Candidates provides member information, district demographic information and voter trends on a subscription basis. The individual state tabs below contain names of candidates who are running for U.S. Congress in 2020. Pursuant to Sec. Texas Candidates provides detailed information and analysis on Texas State officials and candidates for office. Texas Candidates has served Texas businesses, political action committees and lobbyists since 1994. Texas Candidates updated approach will provide more tools to assist our subscribers with their political needs. In order to provide information on the electoral process to all Texans, my office has prepared this guide in the expectation that increased information will result in increased participation. Many of the states largest corporations and associations rely on Texas Candidates information and analysis in political races. Current Election Information 2020 November General Election – November 3, 2020. A mail has been sent to you email-address with the instructions to reset your password. New: Proclamation for the November 3, 2020 General Election (PDF) Candidate Listing Information; New: Candidate Ballot Order New: Ballot Certification for Write-In Candidates (PDF) 2020 Special Election for Senate District 30 – September 29, 2020 The winner of the state gets all 38 electoral votes. Many of the states largest corporations and associations rely on Texas Candidates information and analysis in political races. Their statistical analysis of district profiles is unique and has been more accurate than most.