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International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2009 Edition Program Offices where home owners and other park residents must evacuate to in an emergency. Mobile homeowners insurance policies available in North Carolina may be used to provide coverage for your manufactured home, personal property and personal liability. Queensland sport and recreation strategy, Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program, Profession​al indemnity insurance for building industry, Non-Conforming Building Products Audit Taskforce and Safer Buildings, Open the sub nav for North Queensland Stadium, Counter terrorism and community safety centre, New theatre at Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Density Diversity Done Well Social Housing Demonstration Projects, Open the sub nav for Cairns Convention Centre, Procurement target for small and medium enterprises, Review of timeframes for retirement village exit payments, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traineeship, Queensland Sport, Exercise and Recreation Survey, Protections for World Surfing Reserves in Queensland, Active Restart Infrastructure Recovery Fund, Open the sub nav for Right to information, Archived Sport and Recreation disclosure logs, Housing and Homelessness Services contacts, Open the sub nav for Complaints and compliments. Carson City Assessor - Phone: (775) 887-2130 Churchill County Assessor - Phone: (775) 423-6584 Clark County Assessor - Phone: (702) 455-3882 Douglas County Assessor - Phone: (775) 782-9830. These standards promote the health, safety and welfare of Arizona citizens and are consistent with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards. The policies can also provide coverage for medical payments to others when accidentally injured. At least 21 days before entering into the site agreement, the park owner must give the prospective home owner the initial disclosure documents, including: Park owners must use the new Form 1A – Initial disclosure document (PDF, 113KB) as a template. How can we make this page better for you. The forms are similar; however, differences in perils covered and coverage limitations exist. Helped secure a $175,000 settlement for California mobilehome owners following fraudulent practices by a mobilehome dealer/salesperson. County Assessors . The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) is the state's lead agency responsible for homeownership, affordable rental housing, community and energy assistance programs, and colonia activities serving primarily low income Texans.The Manufactured Housing Division of TDHCA regulates the manufactured housing industry in Texas. © The State of Queensland (Department of Housing and Public Works) 2009 - 2020. The Rules which affect the Department's activities are located in Arizona Administrative Code, Title 4, Chapter 34. 10/28/2019 Change to Arizona Revised Statute 41-1444. Physical damage losses are settled on an actual cash value basis (i.e. The park owner must not consent to the assignment unless they have given the prospective home owner/buyer the disclosure documents for the site either at least: The prospective home owner/buyer may waive their right to receive the: They must give the park owner a completed Form 1C – Precontractual disclosure waiver (PDF, 135KB) signed by an independent, qualified lawyer with a current Queensland practising certificate. Comprehensive coverage may be purchased to insure your dwelling and other structures on an “open perils” basis. They may terminate the assignment agreement under subsection (2), even though: If the prospective home owner/buyer terminates the assignment agreement during the cooling-off period, the form of assignment of the home ownerinterest is considered revoked. A peril is an event that causes damage to property; two examples are fire and theft. If the park owner receives this notification, they must give the prospective home owner the following at least 7 days before consenting to the assignment: If the park owner does not, or refuses to, consent to the assignment within 28 days after receiving a completed Form 8 – Form of assignment (PDF, 224KB) signed by the home owner and prospective home owner/buyer, the park owner is considered to have refused to consent to the assignment.