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Could It Be That God Can Only Incarnate as a Male? Auntie, can you discuss your opinion?and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Mention of the dead refers to corpses that have no spirit, to people in whom their spirit has died. God says, God created man, after which man was corrupted by Satan, and this corruption has made people into dead bodiesand thus, after you have changed, you will be different from these dead bodies. It is the words of God that give life to peoples spirits and cause them to be reborn, and when peoples spirits are reborn they will have come alive. Paul elaborates on the sequence of resurrection, saying, But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then (epeita) at his coming those who belong to Christ. Instead of man coming out of the tomb to become a living person, God uses His practical words and work to rid man of his sins and cleanse him thoroughly, so that people can live out the reality of the truth and completely walk out of the influence of the darkness, glorifying God and bearing witness for Him. So, we should draw a lesson from those peoples failurewe cant interpret the prophecies literally and we must leave our own notions and imaginings behind., Jiang Xun then said, Well, its indeed so. What Is the True Meaning of It Is Finished Spoken by the Lord Jesus Upon the Cross? I think: in the future, when the prophecy of the resurrection of the dead comes into reality and God comes to judge people in the last days, all those who died in Christ will rise from the dead as Lazarus and be brought into heaven, while those who do not believe in God will also come out of the tomb to accept the judgment of God, and finally go to hell. It is not entirely clear whether only Jews, or all people, are expected to be resurrected at this time. Can We Truly Be Changed in the Twinkling of an Eye and Raptured Into the Heavenly Kingdom? . Only enjoying the grace of God cannot make one get rid of his sinful nature. 5455). All the glory be to God! Christs death on the cross is Gods solution to the problem of sin, and Christs resurrection from the grave is Gods solution to the problem of death. The first resurrection of the dead occurs at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (1Thessalonians 4:16) when the righteous will be raised as powerful spirit beings (1Corinthians 15:42 - 54). Neither could we see the fact of our corruption by Satan or recognize the root of our resistance against God, nor could we know how to practice the truth. The Next 500 Years: 2017 National Conference, Standing Firm: 2012 West CoastConference, These Last Days: A Christian View ofHistory, Postmillennialism: An Eschatology ofHope, Naming Ligonier the Beneficiary of a Bank or Investment Account, Gifts That Provide Income and Tax Benefits, The Resurrection of the Dead The Unfolding of BiblicalEschatology. However, not long ago, my old classmate told me that the resurrection of the dead is not, as I imagine, the dead being brought back to life and coming out from their tombs. Through Christ, God defeats every enemy in order that his reign might be established over all.xiii The eschatological importance of the resurrection could not be made any clearer than it is in this section of Paulsepistle. In Gods eyes, all those with no spirits are the dead even though their flesh still lives.