A grim indie-rock outfit, consisting of middle-aged men, performing for thousands of festival attendees is an unlikely scenario today. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 26, 2010. All this notwithstanding, the songs sound excellent on vinyl, but BB should be ashamed. I do remember this happening with batches of records in my youth in the late '70s and '80s, though... and exchanging them over and over. The clicks, pops, and static don't even compare to the general surface noise. They got a bit too serious, a bit too maudlin afterwards. A few albums after High Violet, here The National were, headlining Austin City Limits, one of the country’s major festivals, playing a song from Alligator. One of these items ships sooner than the other. Es sind mehrere, deutlich hörbare Einschlüsse in der Platte. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 21, 2020. The National’s rise to (indie) stardom wasn’t an immediate incident. Amazon.com On their third recording, the National strikes a delicate balance between … Bummer. Not a nice pressing for me. “Friend of Mine” features subtle dynamic shifts, highlighting Berninger’s vocals in its breaks while introducing the rest of the band back in just moments later. Their music is characteristically somber, with Berninger sulking his lines more than singing them. It's a little bit disturbing. Many of Berninger’s most memorable lyrics come from Alligator. The rest of the band matches this energy, too. Schon der erste Song -Secret Meeting- mit einem stampfenden Beat, krakeelenden Zwischenrufen, schrammelnden Gitarren und Berningers beherrschender Stimme ist ein glitzender Edelstein kreativer Musik. Haven't played it yet, but it's in yellow vinyl. Is there a campaign against this release? Picked this up second hand, sounds great! In other words: they rock. Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. Please try again. These reviews are bizarre. When I think back to that time I saw The National at that festival, I remember watching them play through “Mr. They’re not exactly radio-friendly, either. Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2017. Kaufe Vinyl. Beggars Banquet has a pretty good reputation, so it's odd to see so much negative feedback. If you're a seller, Fulfillment by Amazon can help you grow your business. Doch hier haben sie sich gefunden und ihr Songwriting perfektioniert. I do remember this happening with batches of records in my youth in the late '70s and '80s, though... and exchanging them over and over. On their first two albums, there was scarcely a moment when Berninger would raise his voice above a sigh. The National ist einfach meine absolute Lieblingsband auf die ich erst vor ganz wenigen Jahren gestoßen bin und inzwischen alle Alben dieser wunderbaren Band gekauft habe; sehr stimmungsvoll, toller Gesang.......kann man immer wieder rauf und runter spielen (besonders bei meinen langen Autobahnfahrten.....purer Hörgenuss); kaufen!!!!! “Didn’t anybody tell you how to gracefully disappear in a room?” he questions over Bryan Devendorf’s sparse drum pattern. Absolut kreativ... 6 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 7. This impression is mostly due to Matt Berninger's deep baritone, which brings to mind such sensitive, but manly Brit vocalists as Scott Walker and Stuart Staples of the Tindersticks. Amazon is full of complaints that their Alligator sleeves actually contained Boxer discs, and here everyone says it sounds terrible? “Abel,” the fastest track on the record, showcases Berninger at his most untamed, repeatedly yelling, “My mind’s not right,” over distorted guitars and roaring drums.