Male guards stood nearby with Tasers, one of the most effective weapons against vampires. The books in order are: BORN IN CHAINS, CHAINS OF DARKNESS, and UNCHAINED. He strained harder in his chains, hurting himself all over again. In the epic battle of vampire against vampire, one warrior’s fate is bound to a mortal woman who controls him, commands him, and craves him like no other…. He was growing in wealth in a heinous, soulless manner, by dispossessing well-to-do vampires of their fortunes and selling off extensive mineral rights to a human named Harris Kiernan, a typical man of his species, full of greed and little else. Here are the details, including the entire first chapter! Imagine the control he could exert over our race. The book is done — Lucian is fabulous, btw!! Difficult didn’t begin to describe her journey of the last two years that began with an attack on her neighborhood while she’d been visiting her sister in Oregon. Hanging as he was, his shoulders ached as though fire burned in each core. He can be described in many words, but one label he flatly rejects is that of ‘born-free’ – surprising, considering he was born in 1994. He tried to speak, but his throat felt washed with fire. “Give him another hour or so to heal, then get him clean. He wasn’t sure which hurt worse. Somewhere, she’d dropped the washcloth. He tried. The vision alone had told her that much. “All right, I believe you. It peaked at No. She picked up her feet and ran the rest of the way. “Some say it smells like a garbage bin behind a restaurant only a hundred times worse. He’d been the one to break them out of their father’s compound, leading them into a new life of shedding years of intolerable pain and channeling all their ensuing rage into fierce fighting skills. Not until Adrien passed out did the vision begin to fade. To enjoy Prime Music, go to Your Music Library and transfer your account to (UK). And with his determination shored up once more, he fell asleep. Can’t wait to read the book. Maybe there were even patterns but given the dim light, she couldn’t tell. “Leave this cave,” she said to the woman. We ought to at least be on an equal footing when I take charge of you.”. If he’d been in his realm that night, he could have saved 200 people. The thought felt unholy as she scrubbed every inch of her skin. She recognized him from the dossiers she had on each vampire. Writing as Valerie King, she has published fifty novels and novellas in Regency Romance. Once you do, you’ll receive a welcome letter with a link to your free e-book! Yet something had awakened him, but what? Adrien wanted both Kiernan and Daniel dead so that they could do no more harm against the vampire world. As darkness fell, and with a lantern in hand, Lily Haven moved up the path that led to the secret cavern prison. 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