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alphabetical list of all publications, WHOLIS, Part IV examines traditional and modern communicable disease control laws, and Part V focuses on express TB control laws in selected state and local jurisdictions. Tel. a 75% treatment success rate among drug-resistant TB patients. Join NPINs new social community to connect, share, and collaborate. The assessment offers a means to assess understanding and, possibly, sufficiency of state, local, and/or tribal laws to control TB. 1 This document includes descriptions and analyses of tuberculosis control and other public health laws and policies based on research conducted as of October, 2008. Part VII provides a checklist for tribal, state, and local TB control laws as a tool to facilitate jurisdictional-specific assessments of relevant legal authorities in support of comprehensive TB control programs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NTCA collaborated to develop a document entitled Menu of Suggested Provisions for State Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Laws (Menu). Part III defines public health law and discusses the basic legal framework for communicable disease control for public health practitioners and others without legal training. To Join the NPIN community Sign In or Sign up. The provisions in the Menu are intended to serve as a starting pointthe suggested provisions must be considered within the policy and legal frameworks of the jurisdiction contemplating their adoption. Privacy Policy Denmark Looking for a place to discuss TB best practices, resources, and challenges? a set of clear actions for all countries (including those with low numbers of new TB cases), for partners and for WHO; and. The CDCs Public Health Law Program, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, and Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, in consultation with the NTCA, developed this TB scenario-based assessment. Policies & Disclaimers The Menu is a practical legal resource for TB controllers and other public health officials and their legal counsel to consider in the enactment, promulgation, amendment, or implementation of TB prevention and control laws., U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Want to improve your HIV program? Dont reinvent the wheel another HIV prevention professional already created. Marmorvej 51 WHO/Europes policy is to end tuberculosis (TB) in all European Member States by 2020 by achieving universal access to high-quality and timely prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all forms of TB. This group provides independent reviews and technical opinions on TB to the WHO Regional Director for Europe, particularly on areas related to TB prevention and care in the European Region. goals and provides an advance base for health policy. Part III defines public health law and discusses the basic legal framework for communicable disease control for public health practitioners and others without legal training. Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne infectious disease that is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. HINARI, WHO libraries, documentation centres, Important statements HIV Content Notice Box 95007 Lincoln, NE 68509-5007 (p) 402.471.6441 TB education and training resources from CDC and NPIN, Listing of all products developed by the COEs, CorrectTB: Resources for TB in Corrections, Express Tuberculosis Control Laws in Selected U.S. Jurisdictions, Menu of Suggested Provisions for State Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Laws, Tuberculosis Control Laws and Policies: A Handbook for Public Health and Legal Practitioners, CDC Scenario-Based Assessment: Understanding and Sufficiency of States TB Control Laws, Users Guide for Scenario-Based Assessment of Understanding and Sufficiency of TB Control Laws, Scenario-Based Assessment: Understanding and Sufficiency of States TB Control Laws. Established to give technical advice on strategies for TB control, WHO Regional Office for Europe The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NTCA collaborated to develop a document entitled Menu of Suggested Provisions for State Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Laws (Menu). Where to go for the ABCs of viral hepatitis prevention? This monograph provides information for use by tribal, state, and local public health practitioners and their legal counsel to help improve their understanding and use of relevant laws to respond to challenges concerning TB control. Terms of Use WHO/Europe also created a roadmap to support its full implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Reforms, amendments, interpretations, or other changes related to such laws or policies after this date are not reflected in the document.