alex waislitz behbahani

The boat leaves every hour on the hour, so yeah in my opinion it's A-Ok. A big difference with a real terminal with food and drink places.Before they built this it was two shacks.A great ride over and back try to  sit on top for the views. advertising activities provided by the resort. It's a 15 minute ferry to St John, and a smooth ride, whereas the ferry from Charlotte Amalie is about 40 minutes, and hits deeper water, and is not so smooth. Car Ferry Love City Car Ferries, Inc. has daily round trip service between Red Hook, St. Thomas and Cruz Bay, St. John. The departure and arrival times and prices listed here can change without notice. Native Son Inc. is cognizant of the vital role ferry service plays in the lives of Virgin Islands residents and visitors. Sorry - gotta zing ya Red Hook / Varlock Ventures! Definitely take airport transportation to Red Hook instead of Charlotte Amalie if you're headed to St John. Went from St.Thomas to St.John, the ferry ride was pleasant and surprisingly relaxing. Contact them: Tel: (340) 779-4000 or visit their web site Love City Ferries -, Friday:  Leaves (St Thomas 8am) — Leaves (St. Croix 4pm), Sunday: Leaves (St Thomas 12pm) — Leaves (St Croix 4pm), Round trip Tickets can be used in any direction, Friday: Leaves (St Thomas 8am)  (St. Croix 4pm), Sunday: Leaves (St Thomas 12pm)  (St Croix 4pm). Locals shouldn't be treated better than the tourists. • $12.00 each way • Approximately 40 minutes. Tell your taxi driver to take you to the next available Native Son departure, and you will be on your way. Red Hook, St Thomas (via St John) to/from West End, Tortola Operated by: Smith’s Ferry Services (Tel 284-495-4495) All Red Hook ferries call via St John for customs clearing in to the USVI, passengers may also depart at St John. We will save you time and money. If you find that you've missed the ferry, there is a little bar inside the port building (no such thing at Charlotte Amalie). They also offer a couple of daily shopping excursions for guests that decide not to rent a car or who do not want to pay for a taxi. Searching available ferry trips for The staff was friendly and the ferries were on time both times. I think it was $12 round trip. Click here to Learn more about st. thomas to tortola, Click here to Learn more about red hook departures, Click here to Learn more about charlotte amalie departures, Click here to Learn more about all st. thomas departures, Click here to Learn more about tortola to st. thomas, Click here to Learn more about west end departures, Click here to Learn more about road town departures, Click here to Learn more about all tortola departures, Click here to Learn more about cargo only, Click here to Cargo: St. Thomas & Tortola, Click here to email, Click here to view location 1826 Kongens Gade He was also given a wheelchair to use to assist him boarding and coming off. We sat up top 3 out of 4 times, and the one time we sat inside (in the AC) it was the bumpiest and waviest ride. Other than that, I loved this Ferry. The ride is short and the view is fantastic. So, why only three stars? Enjoy our car ferry cruise experience. The great condition of the boat surprised me - you would think that major US cities (Catalina Island in LA and Staten Island in NY) would have better boats. The views are beautiful and breeze is nice. Email: I think it was $12 round trip.Its a decent sized Ferry. Yes I know I need to get one, its just that the prospect of spending a day over at the BMV doesn't sound too appealing...anyway, last time we gave them our PriceSmart membership card, thinking this would be SOME WAY to prove we live on island....NOPE. You are asked to remain seated so decide carefully whether you want to be outside in the sun or inside.Check reviews before you take the car ferry, we understand there have been some problems with service recently. I chugged that shit like I was taking shots of it. Easiest and fastest ferry experience you can imagine (to St. John). Chill area. It left right on time. Learn more. The ferry over to St John is usually an enjoyable, scenic ride, and I do enjoy sitting on top and taking pictures of the views/sunsets/what-have-you. Ok so this little gem can take you over to St John to check out all the sights over there. for non-residents and they take credit cards. Be sure to start your day trip earlier, since it can fill up quickly. Easiest and fastest ferry experience you can imagine (to St. John). Definitely take the ferry to St. John, it is amazing! Easily a 12min ferry ride. $7 per person each way. , and we were told there was more parking at the bank. It's only $16 round trip for non-residents and they take credit cards. Varlack Ventures -Telephone: 340-776-6412 A nice triumph for the VI!There's an ample sized parking lot for day trips.