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The amazing thing is that nearly every Shark vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter. I like to give mine a clean once a month, but some might say that is a little excessive and every couple of months would be fine. Moreover, clean filters help you enjoy an odorless vacuuming.The machine gets rid of any filthy emanating from the vacuum cleaner. Felt filters are much more delicate and Shark do not actually recommend that you wash them so do so at your own risk. Once the panel is removed, the DuoClean brushroll can be removed. Squeeze the water from the filters and then place them in a suitable place to dry. Pressing the ‘Wand Release’ button that allows you to remove the handheld section of the vacuum and then empty the dust cup. Shark has a number of cleaning accessories to help you clean the vacuum more effectively.. Certain models of the Shark DuoClean cordless vacuums provide a few essential cleaning accessories with the package. Gently rub it with your fingers to get rid of all the dirt and dust. Now, firstly remove the nozzle and then the brushroll garage, which will expose the two brushrolls underneath. To begin with, hold the filters over a dustbin and tap it to remove any dust or particles trapped inside it. Ideally, you should empty the dust cup every time after you’re finished cleaning. Cleaning Shark vacuum filters will help you continue experiencing hassle-free cleaning. If you find that after cleaning the filters there is still a loss of suction, you can purchase replacement filters on Amazon. James Garner has been in the vacuum cleaning business for years, first started as a salesman, then became a technician, today he is the proud owner of CleanHomeGuide. Shark specialises in home appliances that are designed to meet the requirements of busy lifestyles. Another part that needs washing on a regular basis is the filters. Along with the twin brushrolls, the filters determine the quality of performance. Filters are one of the most important parts of a vacuum cleaner. Commonly, you can find it located near the motor. Imagine you had a house party and there’s a bunch of small pieces of potato chips all over the carpet or someone tipped over a bowl of cereal next morning and there’s a whole lot of debris spread over the floor. The two brushroll technique does an efficient job of cleaning this up. It is not recommended to use soap or detergent while cleaning these filters, as it can affect the filters’ functionality over time. It also helps that the Shark DuoClean cordless vacuum doesn’t have a front wall, which in most other vacuums tends to push larger particles away instead of pulling them in. Remember the time when you turned on the vacuum and started cleaning your home, and wondered why the room is smelling worse than it did when you started? You should always keep the machine and its parts clean that helps you keep your house clean. If your Shark has not been performing the way it usually does, giving it a good clean will really bring it back to life. These are what keep all the nasty dust and allergens inside the vacuum. The short instructional video above from Shark will show you how to take the bottom off a Shark vacuum and guide you through the process. If your Shark vacuum is used in cleaning places with pets or occupied by persons with long hair, you will definitely need to remove the roller brush more often for cleaning or hair removal. I have been guilty of this too. Your Shark vacuum gives you so much and it asks for so little in return. As compared to other filters, HEPA filters take much longer to dry. When this happens, get in touch with the company to check if the battery is still under warranty and can be replaced. Because if the machine and its parts are not clean, they won’t be able to clean your house properly.