August 02, 2008
Online since 1999.
The performance of a light fixture depends on the bulb we use.
L, M,
N, O,
In mythology, this is the name of the
name, probably meaning "mountain man."
Spanish form of English Aaron, meaning
He is also said to be the angel of divine magic,
"Bright child; glistening child."
In the bible, this is
"Fresh, sparkling."
Ezra interpret a
Basque name meaning "light.
Aonani is rarely used as a baby name. Your email address will not be published.
", ARON:
In the bible, this is the name of several characters,
These Long & Elegant Baby Names Are Just the Right Amount of Fancy, Everything You Need to Know About Kids & the FluShot, 7 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for A Pandemic-Era Cold & FluSeason, These Long & Elegant Baby Names Are Just the Right Amount ofFancy, Targets Prime Day Sale Has Up to 40% Off Top Toys TodayOnly, Ashley Graham, Jada Pinkett Smith, & Jessica Alba Get to the Bottom ofMom-Shaming, Mom Asks for Salary Before Shell Commit to Staying at Home WithKids, My Pre-Pandemic Pregnancy Did Nothing to Prepare Me For My CurrentOne, Sia Explains How She Wound Up Adopting Two Boys After Searching forOne, Beacon: Meaning signal light, this name has Old English roots, Epifanio: A Spanish name, this means bringing light, Aonani: This Hawaiian name means beautiful light. Here are 21 names for the wind.
Alberta Origin fr.
meaning "light.". Aramaic: ):Arabic unisex name, derived from the word nawara, meaning "to
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including and a prophet slain by Jehoiakim.
(Hebrew Aharon),
: Various shades of the color red.This category is for all varieties, not only shades in the technical sense.
//-->, Unisex Light Names
of one of the seven archangels whose names were removed from the Church's
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the name of the older brother of Moses.
"Beautiful light." ", NOOR
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(): Japanese name meaning "light/shining
", AB:
Not in popularity charts.
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Akira From Japanese language.