1907: Expands to a total of forty franchises. First introduced as Brad’s Drink in 1893 by Caleb Bradham, later named it as Pepsi Cola due to its two key elements, pepsin and kola nuts. 1904: Bradham purchases the Bishop factory in New Bern for $5,000. Also attending are President and Mrs. George Bush, Lady Thatcher and Walter Cronkite. PEPSI-COLA CREATED. Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink manufactured by PepsiCo. 1920: Releases a new slogan that appeals to consumers: "Drink Pepsi-Cola. 1909: The theme "Delicious and Healthy" will appear on and off for the next two decades. Read here to learn more about the history of PepsiCo, Inc., including its mergers, acquisitions, and products. By 2009, it has sold around $108 billion dollars worldwide. 1909: Barney Oldfield, automobile racing pioneer, becomes the first celebrity endorser. His wife, actress Joan Crawford, plays a big part in promoting Pepsi-Cola. See how we’re working to use our global scale to help build a more sustainable food system. Mar., 2002: Cindy Crawford introduces the new look for Diet Pepsi. 1950: Pepsi-Cola has no choice but to raise prices to compete. appears. Late 1920: Sugar drops to two cents per pound. Unveils its new look: a three-dimensional symbol for one Pepsi family. 1903: Bradham advertises his drink as: "Exhilarating, Invigorating, Aids Digestion.". 1949: The slogan "Why Take Less When Pepsi's Best?" Today, Pepsi is one of the world’s most widely recognized and widely celebrated brands. July 2002: Introduces the new brand Pepsi Blue with the tag line, "It's a Blue Thing.". 1932: Pepsi-Cola trademark is registered in Argentina. 1939: The theme "Twice As Much for a Nickel" appears in the cartoon strip Pepsi and Peter. 2019 PepsiCo Sustainability Report. Late 1921: Only two Pepsi-Cola plants remain open. 2004: Introduces new brand Pepsi EDGE, with the same taste but half the sugar, carbs and calories of normal colas. 1941: Changes its logo to red, white, and blue in support of America's war effort. The name comes from the two main ingredients pepsin and kola nuts. Because of this, consumers become more aware of Pepsi-Cola's value advantage. 1906: Pepsi-Cola gets a new logo with the new slogan: "The Original Pure Food Drink.". 1984: Michael Jackson stars in the first two commercials of the new Aug. 28, 1898: The name Pepsi-Cola is first used. 1907: Pepsi-Cola trademark is registered in Mexico. 1941: Pepsi-Cola canteen in Times Square, New York, operates throughout World War II. 1903: "Doc" Bradham moves his operations from his drugstore to a rented warehouse where he sells 7,968 gallons of syrup in just one year. 1898: Pharmacist Caleb Bradham from New Bern, North Carolina changes the name of his carbonated soft drink from Brad's Drink to Pepsi-Cola. 1987: Pepsi returns to Times Square, New York after a twenty-seven year absence.