Your support and comments are greatly appreciated! I've personally worked with a plant-based food delivery service to create the meal plans. I am back to feeling good again after three weeks. In this live webinar, Chef AJ talks about the 3 types of situations you will find yourself in when eating out. I have been reading her new cookbook Unprocessed and been really blown away by her personal story, which is the first 52 pages of the book. The difference is the difference between processed and unprocessed food.” She is talking to […]. Dairy consumption also has been linked many health problems, including, For those of you interested in eating more plant-based, we highly recommend downloading the, — with over 15,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals and get healthy! I would like to attend.. My daughter was wondering if you have an age limit. Going up the stairs 2 at a time, etc. Chef AJ is a funny, ferocious, blunt, and incredibly warm and supportive leader in the plant-based movement. When: Saturday January 4, 11, 18, 25th 2020. Will you be offering this class again? Not all vegan groups eat healthy but some do so it’s worth a search. Chef AJ has her on line subscrition group that is fabulous and contains so many resources for subscribers. Your email address will not be published. Here they are: Lynn... calorie density weight loss key #weightloss guide. I live in your area and will look for the information in November. There is no dish that can’t be improved by the addition of kale! At age 60 I am in the best shape of my life! Dairy consumption also has been linked many health problems, including acne, hormonal imbalance, cancer, prostate cancer and has many side effects. Contact me at I weighed 174 pounds at my highest weight. Please let me know when the class is offered again. Hello Terri, Due to a sudden schedule conflict of one of our participants there is a spot that has opened up in the January Class, Please email me at for details on how we can get you signed up for this next session if you wish. We hope you find what you are searching for! We do have the standard size threshold at the front door with a 3 1/2 inch rise. Sign up for daily news from OneGreenPlanet. Here’s What you Need to Know, 10 Plant-Based Foods that Promote Healthier Cholesterol Levels, Sweet Photo of a Mama Cat Getting Adopted After Watching All Her Babies Leave Will Make You Smile, WTH!? I lost my extra weight and have kept it off for 4 years following Chef AJ’s Ultimate Weight Loss Plan. Thank you. Thank you for your support! Dr. Gustavo Tolosa brings you to Chef AJ's kitchen so that she can show you how to prepare the food that she eats! Tami, can it be recorded if we can’t attend live?