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Rules related to late submissions, modifications or withdrawals of offers, etc. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS left: 0px; Subrecipients should contact the State DOT for information about cooperative interstate procurements in which they may be able to participate. F. When a protest has been timely filed with BFT before award, BFT shall not make an award prior to five (5) days after the resolution of the protest, or if a protest has been filed with FTA, during the pending of that protest, unless BFT determines that: a) The items to be procured are urgently required: b) Delivery or performance will be unduly delayed by failure to make the award promptly; or. Review the Procurement 101 section of this toolkit before delving into this section, which build on the procurement information transit managers need on “day one.” background: #6C6C6C; The description of what you are purchasing is complete, realistic and precise. The Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) required at the beginning of the procurement process is the first such analysis, necessary for deciding what type of procurement method to use. } An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. General provisions (often called "boilerplate") which are typically part of every contract an organization awards, such as termination for default and convenience, excusable delay, variation in quantity, disputes, governing law, payment terms, etc. The NYS Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Procurement Policy, 4220.1F (Third Party Contracting Requirements), FTA Best Practices Procurement Manual-BPPM, Office of General Services (OGS) Search of Procurement Contracting. While this is a legal option, due to the complexity and specific requirements of the process, including ensuring that the original procurement meets all FTA requirements, the FTA discourages this as a common practice. Specify a date by which questions must be submitted that provides enough time to answer and share with potential offerors in time to adjust their bid or proposal if appropriate. A lock ( LockA locked padlock ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. D. All communications with the parties involved, including BFT staff or board members concerning protest, shall be in writing, and will be open for public inspection. According to FTA Circular 4220.1F, the competitive proposal process should be used when “the nature of the procurement does not lend itself to sealed bidding and the recipient expects that more than one source will be willing and able to submit an offer or proposal.”  Examples of this would be contracting for professional services such as consulting or operations management, or purchasing dispatching software. Examples of special contract requirements include bonding, insurance requirements, special permits or licenses required, liquidated damages, etc. MTA Procurement The MTA spends over $7 billion annually on procurement, ranging from office supplies and market research to railcars and construction contracts. When rules of origin differ by FTA, procedures become even more complicated. Where should it be delivered? The FTAs ensure that U.S. goods and services, and suppliers of U.S. goods and services receive national treatment in the government procurement of FTA partners. Find the Latest Information on the Coronavirus/COVID-19 at FTA's Coronavirus landing page. If supplies or services that are only available from only one source are required, and a proposal is solicited from this single source, this is considered a “sole source” (noncompetitive) procurement, which FTA allows only in very limited circumstances. 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