color: '#002342' It is the sto…, In this landmark case the Supreme Court ruled that racially se…, Pennslyvania's district court ruled that denying services to s…, This lawsuit was filed on behalf of seven special needs studen…, This court case required school and court officials to re-exam…, 1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the ord…. Result: The Court held that Congress had implied powers to establish a national bank under the "necessary and proper" clause of the U.S. Constitution. Sign up for an account today; it's free and easy!. Importance: Along with the right to assistance for state criminal defendants, the Gideon decision had the effect of expanding public defender systems across the country. } Result: No. Importance: This decision gave the Court the ability to strike down laws on the grounds that they are unconstitutional (a power called judicial review). A unanimous Court overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and held that state laws requiring or allowing racially segregated schools violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This is a leading case from the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) dealing with search and seizure in Canadian schools. Each OJEN Landmark Case includes a case summary, classroom discussion questions and worksheets that encourage students to explore both the legal and societal importance of the case. All rights reserved. Your email address will not be published. Choose from 500 different sets of landmark cases flashcards on Quizlet. In a _______ Law system, judges base their decisions on previous rulings in similar cases. Supreme Court says the First Amendment applies to states, Supreme Court says the states must observe all "fundamental" l…, "Fighting words" are not protected by the First Amendment, The Nazi Party may march through a largely Jewish neighborhood, Students have a right to symbolic speech if it is not disrupti…, Government must provide a lawyer if you can't afford one, New York's requirement of a state-composed prayer to begin the…, A Pennsylvania law requiring that each public school day open…, Freedom of speech can be limited during wartime. width: 300, Each OJEN Landmark Case includes a case summary, classroom discussion questions and worksheets that encourage students to explore both the legal and societal importance of the case. Result: The Court held that it is the role of the federal government to regulate commerce and that state governments cannot develop their own commerce-regulating laws. Result: Yes, the Court found that the Fifth and Sixth Amendments require police to inform individuals in custody that they have a right to remain silent and to be assisted by an attorney. Importance: The McCulloch decision established two important principles for constitutional law that continue today: implied powers and federal supremacy. Result: "It is explicitly the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is." Result: The Court held that universities may use race as part of an admissions process so long as "fixed quotas" are not used.