Sunday Mass will be at 11:45amDue to Covid-19 please practice social distancing, REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIAOFFICE FOR SLOVENIANS ABROAD__________________________, REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJAURAD VLADE ZA SLOVENCE VZAMEJSTVU IN PO SVETU, © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Slovenian Summer Camp | Powered by Ultek Systems. ����0#Ps=R Ϲ{ �މύ3�[ �e��}{�{({~ba1>���Ȋ�(�_Ȩ6�ߍ��H�6C�f��籟. endobj
The permit must be issued prior to pool enclosure installation. �I�?\��a�8����7�a���Ag�z��������;X����f��7�o��M�~�����Wl�Ȁ�X�6�51��aq{���_���0��}^����������0��@Gf1���gL��x=��*�9��7fA���~ເ�Ā����� R.J.A. )U'~L}wt�?��ߠ�K�#b� ��^�T�e��� {g#%^��9��"�$��U)[��D�|��-Y�Q��;�� ԏ�+}H`At�,�Վ���ro$�Ct�z��Z������stB~w��p�����<>S��FmE��k�g:� 7?�_��.���_ 4 0 obj
By-law staff will investigate By-law-related concerns after receiving a formal written complaint. ,�"��T�X��z�&+����G���O��H&ީÈ@Ij�"�gD �lT����0)�R�l�L�\�@#'NCFY;�`M���("`�}�6)��UՈ��Hq�y�E��8�1�.�YvҔ-�F��^��%A�Ĵ�9t��4V5~�чn8�V�ɝ�V���C�"�n����UhaS�����I�H�宗]�Z%70�d�[��Y0x�E�:�^��6���L�"���ӬCu���]S�L\�.�L������"J��.g�r�\m��� ����l�l5��ЛW��=~�
>���/f�b+�͇���� Be sure to include: Each site plan should include the following: The site plan should show the distance from the pool to the house, fences, property lines, septic tank and tile bed, and any other structures on your property. 2 0 obj
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2 CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MISSISSAUGA SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURE BY-LAW 115-04 (Amended by By-law 224-04, 365-04) WHEREAS section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. <>
2366. By clicking on or navigating the site, you agree to our use of cookies. ��po�������_���I}��=��?�=4���~��jz=�t���U���n
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SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURE BY-LAW 115-04 7 appeal the Order to the Appeal Committee within 14 days of being served or deemed served with the Order. Our residents make Caledon a vibrant place to live, work and play. This site uses cookies to improve your experience, to enhance site security and to show you personalised advertising. The appropriate actions necessary to achieve compliance will be taken to address all valid complaints that we receive. The Corporation of the Town of Caledon 6311 Old Church Rd Caledon ON L7C 1J6. �?4��\� ��mP���E&���x�� ��@��@_��E���K�hS�Q� �M�k���G���(�gWje?k���b��Vg�=��s���/�Y#�����b%ǝ��N�N���.z�V ������2��2f�i��Z!�/�md����z�s����]\�`����F�;�� M �mR'G�� �`v���p�Q !<
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